twenty six • worry

492 17 5

Maddie's POV

"Hello?" I said, answering the FaceTime from Oliver.

His face was solemn. I already knew what he was gonna say.

"Ol, are you okay?"

"She didn't make it," he told me.

I closed my eyes tightly, willing the tears away. My dear friend Kelly had went to the Afterlife.

"I'm so sorry, baby," he said.

"Me too."

"Her funeral is December 18th. Will you be home?"

I nodded. "It's only November 9th, we get done with tour December 6th."

"Okay, I gotta go, love you."

"Love you too, call me later."

"I will," he promised before hitting the end call button.

This was gonna be hard.

•     •     •     •     •

Ricky's POV

"Hey, Maddie, you wanna go get McDonald's with me?" I asked, walking toward her bunk.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. They were red and it looked like she was crying. "Sure."

I decided not to ask her about it. She would tell me if she wanted. We slipped into our shoes and started to walk to McDonald's.

"Kelly died," she said.

"I'm so sorry." I wrapped my arm around her.

"Me too. Uh, when are we getting on the plane for the UK?"

"Two hours, why?"

"Just wondering."

She rubbed her eyes again, this time yawning. I saw her open and close her eyes a few times and yawn once more.

"You tired?"

She nodded. "Mhm."

"Hop on." I bent down so she could jump on my back.

She agreed and wrapped herself around me. I walked the rest of the five minutes to McDonald's with her on my back.

Once we got into the fast food place, all she said was, "ten piece chicken nugget, fries, ranch, and a Mcflurry, please."

I said okay and ordered her food, as well as everything the guys wanted. I somehow managed to carry the bags of food and her. She kept yawning.

"What time did you go to sleep last night?" I questioned.

"8 o'clock, I'm so tired, though."

"Wonder why ..."

I was starting to worry. She's never this tired. I ran into the bus and set the food down, carefully placing Maddie on the couch.

She cuddled into the blanket that was placed there for her. She yawned and grabbed her food, nibbling on it.

She ate three nuggets and her McFlurry before falling straight to sleep.

"Chris, Gaia," I called quietly, not wanting to wake her.

They came into the living room. "What?"

"I'm worried about Maddie. She nearly fell asleep on the way to McDonald's, and she only ate three nuggets."

Gaia laid her hand over Maddie's head. "She's got a fever."

Chris walked over to the cupboard and got some Tylenol. He shook her awake. She grabbed the pills and swallowed them without a problem.

"We gotta leave for the airport. Our roadies already got our stuff ready on the next bus," Chris explained.

He scooped Maddie into his arms. Gaia grabbed Maddie's phone and stuff, following Chris. I called for the guys to get their asses out to the taxi cabs now waiting for us.

Maddie was sleeping in Chris's arms as he walked her to the taxi. I hope she's gonna be okay.

Uh oh, what's gonna happen to Maddie? And RIP Kelly, man she's gone to the Afterlife. Maybe Maddie is gonna be my next victim, hehe ...
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
558 words

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