thirty two • we put the fun in funeral

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Maddie's POV

It was the day of Kelly's funeral. Oliver was over at my house, sitting on my bed as I looked for my outfit. We had done this countless times, but this time it seemed more depressing.

I pulled out my favorite, gothic, black dress. It had a tight, black, silken dress and black lace hung off of everything. It had bellbottom sleeves, made of lace. Lace hung off of the shoulders, butt, and the arms.

"That one's nice," Ol said quietly.

"Okay," I replied, slipping into it. I put on black heels and mascara, doing my eyebrows as well.

I was really nervous for Kelly's funeral. I hadn't been to one since my sister died ... I can't think about that right now.

No matter how much I tried getting that out of my head, I couldn't. Kelly died the same way Lyla had.

"Let's go for a car ride," Lyla suggested.

My seven year old self was eager to get into the car with her. Even though she was only 17, I trusted her with my life.

"What do you wanna listen to, Junebug?"


Mama Sed came on and Lyla and I sang along. I loved my sister so much.

Our singing was put to an abrupt stop. The screeching of tires was heard and Lyla stomped on the brakes. Surprisingly, I didn't scream. I only hugged my knees into my chest.

I blacked out and woke up when I heard the sirens. I knew Lyla was dead. Besides the deafening ringing, everything was silent. Lyla's breathing couldn't be hear. Her heartbeat was gone. She was dead.

"Maddie, we gotta go," Chris said from outside my door.

I took a deep breath and grabbed Oliver's hand. We each gave each other a reassuring smile and walked downstairs.

Ron, Lindsey, Chris, and Gaia all sat downstairs waiting for us. We all smiled weakly and headed to our cars.

The funeral was crowded. Jordan and Julie tracked us down quickly and we all sat in the second pew. I leaned into Oliver's shoulder.

The funeral started. Everyone was quiet until the preacher asked if anyone would like to share words about Kelly.

Julie stood up.

"I knew Kelly for a long long time. We grew up together. She was always the mischievous one out of our whole entire friend group, yet she was kind and caring. It's kind of iconic, sitting here, because Kel had a saying that she took from one of her favorite songs: 'we put the fun in funeral.'"

Everyone chuckled and wiped their eyes as Julie sat back down. Kelly's mom stood up next, and then her cousin.

"Anyone who would like to see her body can come up now," the preacher said.

Oliver and I walked hand in hand toward the open casket. We waited respectfully behind her mom and dad.

Once we got to Kel, we fell to our knees and began talking to her corpse. We got all of our last words in before I had enough of the sadness and memories this funeral was bringing up.

Chris could tell. I walked back to him and Gaia and he wrapped me in his right embrace, asking if I was okay. He knew about Lyla.

I wasn't okay, but I'd pretend to be for everyone else.

"Come on, let's go get cookies from the other room."

I feel like this chapter is really morbid because of the title and the main idea lmao.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
584 words

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now