nine • you're not my parents

755 27 3

Maddie's POV

Chris woke me up at 7 a.m sharp. It was a Saturday and I had to go to court. ON A SATURDAY!

I slipped into a black dress with yellow, plaid, stripes. I choose my black VANS and black socks reached to my mid shin. I did simple eyeliner and mascara look, hoping I wouldn't cry it all off.

"Come on, JB," Chris said from outside my door. "Time to go."

I obliged and walked out in silence. He gave me a sad smile. I gave one back and we walked out to the car.

"It'll be okay," he told me.

"Yeah," I replied. No it won't.

•     •     •     •     •

The court was scary. We walked inside and our lawyer said I had to see my parents first. I smoothed out my dress and walked into a small room I was told they were in.

There they sat. My mom, looking rougher than ever. Her hair was getting gray streaks and she had under eye bags. My dad looked rough too, not bothering to shave or comb his hair. Hell, he was in sweatpants.

"Hello," I murmured.

"Hi, Juneb-"

"I'm Maddie," I growled, cutting my mom off.

She smiled sadly. "Okay."

"Why'd you run away?"

I turned to my dad. "You're funny. Why'd I run away? Why do you think?"

"Maddie, we were bad parents. We know that," my mom nearly whispered. "We want another chance."

"I gave you chance after chance!" I was on the verge of yelling. "You said you'd change! But dad kept going out an fucking whores and mom kept drinking and shooting up to where I'd have to care for myself. I made my own food. I did my own laundry. I did yours, too! I did everything for you guys."

My mom wiped a tear from her eye. "Do you wanna live with Christopher?"

"Chris, and yes. He's so nice. So are my aunts and uncles. They love me."

"We do too."

"No you don't. You're not my parents. Chris is."

And with that, I left the room.

•     •     •     •     •

Chris's POV

Maddie walked out of the room and ran into my arms. I hugged her and kissed her head.

"How'd it go?" I asked somewhat worridley.

"It was fine," she answered.

"Good. The court session will start soon. Don't worry, the guys will be here and afterwards we'll all go out for ice cream."

She smiled a little bit. Her parents came out of the room in handcuffs. Her mom stopped once she saw me. "Be good to my daughter, please," she begged.

"Of course. I would never harm my Junebug."

I could tell it hurt her mom to hear me calling her Junebug. I kinda shoved it in her face, too, but she deserved it.

I took my daughter's hand and we walked into the court room.

•     •     •     •     •

The court session went well. Her parents got 25 years in prison. They were guilty for domestic violence, child abuse, child neglect, and drug abuse.

Vinny attempted to carry Maddie as she played with his hair. It was like her new hobby. I really needed a cat ...

"I'm to short to carry you!" Vinny exclaimed.

"I'm like 500 centimeters shorter than you!" She said.

Vinny huffed and pulled her up farther onto his back. She continued to play with his hair and smiled.

I could already tell she was happier that her parents were gone. We all were. She wouldn't be as depressed and panicky ... hopefully.

Yay! She has been officially adopted!
     - salem

Edited and revised
590 words

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now