eight • the news

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Maddie's POV

"Hey, dad!" I exclaimed, walking inside.

"Hi, Junebug." He turned to Ricky. "Thanks for taking her."

He sounded solemn. I was a bit confused. Ricky gave me a hug and then walked back outside to his car.

Chris turned back to me. "Maddie, we have to talk."

My face fell. No no no no no no no! He can't send me back, he can't!

"The court called me today," he started.


"I'm not sending you back, don't worry. But they want you to talk to your parents. It's gonna be one on one, no one in the room with you. Not even me."

"Nope," I replied. "Not happening."

"It has too. That's the only way you can legally be adopted."

"It can't be!" I yelled. "I can't face them! Chris, do you know what they did to me?"

He looked down. "I'm sorry, Maddie. You have to. I don't want you to, either. But you gotta."

"Chris ..." I cried. "Please."

"Maddie ..." Tears were coming to his eyes too. "It'll be quick."

I took a shuddering breath. "When is it?"


•     •     •     •     •

Chris's POV

Maddie had been in her room for the past two hours. I had even made dinner (or tried too,) but she wouldn't come out. I asked if she wanted Ricky over, or Ghost. Surprisingly, she said she wanted Vinny.

I called Vinny and he said he'd be here in 10 minutes. She wouldn't tell me why she wanted him. I didn't know they were close ... were they?

I sat down on the couch and munched on the pork and potatoes I'd made. It was sorta good, too. I watched Dexter, waiting for Maddie to come downstairs.

I heard someone viciously vomiting into one of the upstairs bathrooms. Well, I knew it had to be my Junebug. Who else lived with me?

I ran upstairs and into the bathroom. She was puking her guts out. I pulled her hair back and rubbed her back.

"Are you okay?" I questioned once she was done.

"Just nervous," she murmured. "Is Vin here yet?"

As if on cue, Vinny walked into the bathroom and kneeled beside her. I decided to give them some space.

•     •     •     •     •

Vinny's POV

Chris left and Maddie ran her fingers through my hair. "Why'd you want me to come here?"

"I wanted to pet your hair in a time of crisis," she said. "It relaxes me."

"And you couldn't touch your Dad's?"

"Your's is softer."

"Do you need to talk?" I pondered aloud.

"No, I think we can go downstairs. Thanks for letting me pet your hair." She blushed and I chuckled.

"Anytime, kid."

We headed downstairs and Chris looked relieved. He gave her a huge hug and handed her a plate of ... was that a home cooked meal? Made by Chris?

"Woah, dude, you really have changed," I joked. "You actually cooked yourself a meal."

"Hey! It is possible, you know. And it was mainly for Junebug."

She laughed. "It's really good, Dad."

I could see Chris beam every time she called him Dad. I never thought he wanted kids, but I guess he had always had a soft spot for them. Maddie was different, too.

I remembered her petting my head and I turned back to Chris. "My biggest tip is to get her a cat."

Let's take a moment to appreciate Vinny's POV and the fact I might get MIW tickets.
     - salem

Edited and revised
575 words

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now