six • band kid

853 27 1

Chris's POV

It had been two weeks since the get together. A couple of things had happened.

1) I got Junebug enrolled for school. They agreed to let her do online courses every tour.

2) Ryan, Allie, and Junebug had redone her room. It was now painted dark blue on three walls, and one was left white. On that wall, Angelo painted a scene from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Maddie had gotten everything to match that.

3) Maddie started school tomorrow and she was a nervous wreck.

Currently, Ricky and Devin were over at my house, trying to calm her. She was closest to them, but I had also called Ryan. They had a good bond starting.

She was shaking, hidden under a blanket with Devin. Ricky was reading her stories out of his new book called Gloom. The Office was playing quietly in the background.

Ryan arrived and sat down with us in the living room. He tried comforting Junebug as well. She soon stopped shaking and yawned. It was 9 and she need to be asleep.

"Come on, Junebug," I said to her. "Let's go to bed."

She yawned again. "Okay." She turned and gave all the guys long hugs. They left with a quiet goodbye.

I sat with Maddie for a few minutes before she fell asleep.

"Are you excited?"

"A little," she told me. "But I'm scared, too."

"I understand."

"Hey, um ... can I call you dad?" 

I smiled the biggest smile possible. "Of course."

She engulfed me in a hug. "I love you, dad."

"I love you too, Junebug."

And she was out.

•     •     •     •     •

Maddie's POV

Shit. What should I wear?

I had woken up an hour early just so I could look good. I found a pretty black dress Kylie had bought. It had a purple collar and purple witchcraft symbols all over it. I topped it off with black combat boots and, of course, a purple smokey eye.

Chris had made eggs. They were good, but not as good as Kylie's. I ate them anyway and thanked Chris ... or dad.

"Don't worry, JB," he reassured me. "You look nice, everything will work out."

I smiled a small, tired smile. "Thanks."

"Ricky will come pick you up today. And if anything happens, call one of us."

I nodded and we headed out to the car. Out of the safety of my house. But I wanted this, to be normal and go to school. At least just for a while.

I soon saw the school approaching. Chris nudged me and joked, "I understand if you don't wanna give me a hug. I'm embarrassing."

"No! I want you to come in a take a tour with me. Please!"

"Okay, okay." He chuckled. "Come on."

I had gotten a Motionless in White backpack. It had all the band members on it, as well as the letters MIW in their famous font. I grabbed it and hopped out of the sleek, black car.

Dad and I walked into the office. The lady forced a smile. "You must me Chris and Maddie Cerulli."

"Yep," he said. "The one and only."

"Okay, well, the principal will give you a tour and then lead you into all your classes and have you meet your teachers. If you could wait outside on that bench, he'll be out in a few."

Chris said okay and we walked out to the bench. I leaned against him for only about a minute before the principal came out.

"Hello, Mr. Cerulli," he said. "I'm Mr. Skies. Nice to meet you."

"Hello," Chris replied.

Mr. Skies handed me a schedule and began leading us around the school. He and dad started talking, but I ignored them and looked at my schedule.

First period: Mrs. Wellner, Art
Second period: Mr. Isaacs, Math
Third period: Ms. Lillas, English
Fourth period: Mrs. Poshnar, History
Sixth period: Mr. Dukes, Science
Seventh period: Ms. Hollis, Gym

I was shown all of my classrooms and I met my teachers. By the time the tour was over, it was time for math.

I went into Mr. Isaacs room after giving Chris a tight hug. Mr. Isaacs smiled at me. I smiled back and took my seat in the back.

A kid with black hair and piercing green eyes sat next to me. "I'm Jordan," he said.

"I'm Maddie."

He saw my bag. "You like MIW? I love them! Did you hear they adopted someone?"

"Well, Chris did. He adopted ... me."

"No way! You're Maddie Cerulli? Wait till my friends hear about this."

I laughed. "Yep."

A girl who sat in front of me turned around and said, "ew, another band kid."

"Ew, another stereotypical blonde bitch," I retorted.

Yay, middle school.

Is she gonna fall for Jordan? Probably not. I was rereading this and some of my author's notes me me cringe.
     - salem♡

Edited and revised
813 words

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now