twenty five • palaye royale

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Maddie's POV

We were still in Canada. It was boring, but luckily, we get to meet one of my all time favorite bands: Palaye Royale.

They were doing a show in Canada, since their brother Sebastian was from there. Chris said they'd be opening for them!

I decided to dress in what I like to call my Vampirateman outfit. (Pronounced vamp-pirate-man, in honor of all three of the boys.)

You see, this outfit was very ... unique. For the vampire part, I wore red eye makeup with a black cross under one eye and a black 'x' under the other. I put on red lipstick and a black dress shirt. I tucked that into black tracksuit pants. That was the gentleman part. I wore my pirate hat that was very similar to Emerson's. I put on black leather boots and placed various necklaces on my neck, just as the boys did.

"Wow," Chris said when I walked out. "You're really going for a Palaye Royale look, huh?"

"Yep. It's called the Vampirateman."

Gaia giggled. "You look nice."

"Let's go," Chris said.

•     •     •     •     •

I sat backstage, watching Palaye Royale perform. They were playing four songs before Motionless went on. The setlist was great.

My Sweetness (Mrs. Infamous)
Dying in a Hot tub
Sick Boy Soldier
Mr. Doctor Man

We Only Come Out at Night
Black Damask
The Ladder
London in Terror

Palaye Royale soon finished Mr. Doctor Man and began to walk backstage. I smiled widely.

"Hang out with them while we do our setlist," dad said.

I said okay and hugged the whole of MIW. I told them good luck and they rushed out just as PR came into backstage.

"Hey, Maddie!" Remington exclaimed.

"Hi hi hi!" I shouted.

Remi embraced me in one of the tightest hugs ever. Emerson gave me a gentle one, and Sebby gave me a firm, comforting one. Daniel and Andrew both gave me side hugs, seeing as they were kinda awkward around new people.

We all plopped onto a couch that was placed backstage. Remington turned to me. "Tell us about yourself."

"My name's Maddie Lydia Cerulli, I'm 14, Chris adopted me. I'm a long time fan of you guys. Um, I have a cat named Sparky and that's about it."

"What's your favorite song by us?" Daniel asked.

"I like Die for Something Beautiful, but I love the violin in the beginning of Primary Propaganda. I learned how to play that," I explained.

Emerson grinned. "You play the violin?"

"Yeah, it's one of my many hobbies. I draw and write a lot, too."

"Ah! A mini Emerson!" Remington shouted.

"You should give us your Instagram," Sebastian said.

"Sure, lemme type it in."

Remington tossed his phone at me, so I did his first. I typed it @ maddiemotionless

We exchanged numbers, Snaps, and Twitters. I heard MIW singing London in Terror and frowned.

"Why the sad face, mini me?" Emmy questioned.

"I don't wanna leave you guys! You're all so nice!"

"We'll see each other soon, I promise," Remington said.

"Yeah, but you live in Nevada," I reasoned.

"We'll come for holidays," said Sebastian. "And you can visit us this in the summer."

I smiled. "Okay."

Motionless finished Rats and ran offstage. I gave them hugs, of course, telling them all good job.

"Thanks for hanging out with her," Chris said to the guys.

"Of course, mini Emerson must be protected at all costs! Protect this baby bat!" Remington commanded.

"Well, I guess I have another nickname," I joked.

I gave them all one last hug. They promised me we'd all FaceTime later. It was time to go back to the bus.

My dad carried me to the tour bus on his back. I was so tired. It was one of those tired spells again. I need some sleep, now.

Hey hey, this chapter is 666 words! Woohoo! I had to include the Palaye Royale boys at some point. Also, I totally wanna make the Vampirateman a thing.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
666 words

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