thirty • stay inside

470 15 2

Ryan's POV

I shot up in my bunk when I heard the scream. I jumped out of my bed and looked around, making sure everyone was okay.

I rushed into the living room to see Maddie peeping her head around the curtains. I tapped her shoulder and she jumped.

"It came from outside," she whispered.

We heard it again. Someone screamed 'help' at the top of their lungs.

By now, Ricky and Vinny were up. Ricky looked very on edge. I knew he had anxiety; he probably got frightened by the yelling.

Maddie wrapped her arms around him and he seemed to calm down. I smiled at their special bond.

And there was another scream.

Chris and Gaia walked into the living room, followed by Devin, Kylie, Vinny, and Balz. They looked outside, just like Maddie was doing.

"Should we call the cops?" Maddie asked.

"Yeah, probably," Chris said, pulling out his phone.

He walked into the back lounge, probably reporting the screams. The person kept screaming and asking for help.

Maddie looked tense. She buried herself into Ricky's chest.

•     •     •     •     •

Maddie's POV

My dad walked back into the living room. I was on the couch with Ricky, cuddled next to him. My dad walked over and picked me up.

I latched onto him and he chuckled. He sat down and cradled me.

"The cops are on their way," he announced. "They said to stay inside."

I unlatched myself and walked to the fridge. I was still hungry. I grabbed a Naked smoothie and sipped on it.

The sound of sirens were heard as the police got here. That person had been screaming for help constantly. I'm pretty sure a few other people had joined.

A knock sounded on our door. I jumped and leaped into Ricky's lap as Ryan opened the door.

I played with Ricky's hair. The two police officers walked into our bus. I grabbed onto him tighter. I was scared of police ever since we reported my parents to them.

They asked questions like "when did this start" and "who heard it first." I was thankful when Ryan said he heard it first. He was making sure I didn't have to talk go the police.

"Okay, we'll be back in a few to tell you what's going on," one of them told us. "Stay inside."

It only took twenty minutes before they were back in the bus. They sat down at the kitchen table.

"It turns out there was a ... cult, I guess you could say, outside. They wanted to lure people out and kidnap them for god knows what," one of them explained.

"I'm never coming to London again," I announced once they left the bus.

Chris laughed. "Why?"

"We don't have screaming cults in Scranton." That was all I said.

I needed to add drama and this was the only thing I could think of. I'm tired, okay?
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
487 words

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