fourteen • tour

602 22 14

Chris's POV

"Junebug, wake up!" I exclaim, barging into my daughter's room.

She growled. "No."

"I guess you don't wanna come on tour then."

She shot up rubbing her eyes. "That's today?!"

"Yep, we're leaving in an hour."

She flopped onto her floor, Sparky getting off of the bed too. She patted her head. I left Maddie to get ready.

Gaia and I sat together on the couch. I would miss her a lot. She had moved in a couple days ago. Her and Maddie were great friends.

Maddie came downstairs with her suitcase about twenty minutes later. She plopped down next to Gaia.

"Are you excited?" Gaia asked.

"Yeah, but I'll miss you and the girls."

She smiled. "I'll miss you too."

I could tell Gaia was happy and surprised that Maddie would be missing her. The Graveyard Shift tour would be long, of course Maddie was gonna miss her.

"The bus is here!" Maddie said. She grabbed her two suitcases and her laptop/schooling bag. I grabbed my stuff, kissing Gaia, and followed Maddie outside.

Ricky and Balz were already on the bus. Maddie sat down, laying her head on Ricky's legs.

•     •     •     •     •

Maddie's POV

"Who's watching Sparky?" Balz asked.

"Gaia," I replied.

"Are you excited?"

She nodded. "Yeah, kinda nervous."


"I wanna be bunk buddies!" Ricky exclaimed. "You sleep across from me."

I huffed. "Okay, okay." I grabbed my laptop bag and set it in the bunk Ricky said was mine.

We went back into the living room and sat down. Ryan was on the bus now, so I gave him a hug and then went to the kitchen table. I pulled out my phone to see two texts from Jordan, one from Kelly, three from Julie, and two from Oliver.

Jordan: hey, did you leave for tour yet?
Jordan: you there?

Kelly: have fun on tour!

Julie: hey girlie!
Julie: have fun on tour
Julie: you alive?

Oliver: hey cutie
Oliver: text me when you can

"Oh, are you texting your boyfriend?" Ricky asked.

"She better not have a boyfriend!" Chris said.

I laughed. "I'm texting Oliver, who is not my boyfriend."

"Okaaayyy," Ricky replied, not believing me.

The bus stopped and the door opened. "Do not fear, for Vinny is here!"

This was gonna be a long six months.

•     •     •     •     •

Everyone was on the bus now. Chris, Vinny, and Ryan were playing Mario Carts. Ghost and Ricky were watching a movie. I sat at the kitchen table, sketching something.

Balz walked over to me. "Hey."


"Whatcha drawing?"

"Something for my dad," I whispered, showing him.

"That's really good," he commented.

"Thanks," I said, proudly glancing down at my half finished picture of Chris and I together. It was a picture of us on a bench at the park. It was a reenactment of the first time he took me there.

My phone buzzed. I looked down to see an incoming FaceTime from Oliver. I told Balz I'd be back. I headed to my bunk, hitting the answer button and plugging in ear buds.

"Hey!" He said.

"What's up?"

"How's tour?"

"It's good so far. We've been driving all fucking day," I said.

"Sounds tiring."

"Yeah," I agreed. "How's school?"

"It sucks without you."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"Well, I got a question."


"Will you ... be my girlfriend?"

Even though his room was dark, I saw him blush. I giggled. "Of course."


"Yeah, really!"

We stayed on Facetime for an hour or so before Ricky screamed my name. "Gotta go."

"Kay, call me tomorrow."

"I will."

I hopped out of my bunk and ran into the living room. Ricky smiled. "I'm bored."

"You made me leave my FaceTime just to tell me that?"

"Ooh, were you talking to Oliver?" He joked.

"No, I was talking to my boyfriend."

"What?!" Chris yelled. "Who?!"

"Well, Oliver might be my boyfriend," I murmured.

Chris plopped down and groaned. "Oh my God, you're gonna get pregnant!"

"What! Eww, no! Kids are gross!"

He smiled. "That's my girl. But he's coming over for dinner right when tour ends. Ryan, to you have a gun?"


"Sorry, sorry. But seriously, Ryan. Do you?"

So, she has a boyfriend. Yes, I gave her a "normal" boyfriend. I didn't wanna give her the stereotypical emo relationship. Yeah, enjoy! What should their ship name be? Moliver? Oof help. Also, if you're reading this, vote, follow, and give me ideas!
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
739 words

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now