twenty nine • what'd you do now?

473 16 7

Maddie's POV

I walked around the venue, waiting for the guys to finish the meet and greet. I was so bored. And hungry.

I walked past a table with ... brownies? Yup, brownies. I don't know who's they were, but I didn't care. I was eating them.

They tasted gross, but I ate them anyway. Whoever made those couldn't make brownies to save their life.

I shot Chris a text and said I was going back to the bus. He said that was fine and I made my way back.

•     •     •     •     •

Chris's POV

The meet and greet soon finished and we were all headed to the bus. Ricky jumped onto Balz's back and nearly made them both fall. Giant kids.

I heard Maddie crying from inside the bus and Gaia trying to calm her down. I ran inside. "What's wrong?"

"I'm a penguin!" Maddie cried.

"... what?"

Gaia sighed. "She came back and she was acting all wacky. She's cold and she thinks she walks like a penguin. I guess she thinks she is one."

Ricky eyes got wide. "Maddie, did you eat anything?"

"I ate brownies and they made me a penguin!" She wailed and fell into the floor.

Ricky grimaced. "Those were ... weed brownies. Those were Brian's." Brian was one of our roadies.

"Brian made me a fucking bird!" Maddie continued to sob.

"So she ate an edible?!" I yelled.

"Um ... yes."

"I ate weed?" Maddie screamed.

"I'll put her to bed," Ghost said, picking her up.

"Ghost, he made me a waddling bird," she whimpered.

"I know, Junebug. Tell me all about it."

Ricky rubbed his face. "She'll be okay by tomorrow."

I groaned. "She better be."

•     •     •     •     •

Maddie's POV

I woke up to my phone buzzing next to my ear. I growled at it and hit decline. I was tired, they could wait.

I repositioned myself and let out a sigh of contentment. That was ruined when my phone started buzzing again.

"Hello?" I answered, a little more rude then intended.


It was Jordan!

"Sorry I didn't answer, I was asleep," I apologized. "I haven't heard from ya in awhile."

"Yeah, we've all been busy with school and ... Kelly."

"How are you doing with that? I knew you two were the closest."

"It's hard, but at least she's not suffering. Anyway, how's tour?"

"I accidentally ate an edible yesterday," I told him.

"I believe it."

"Also, I had to go the doctor's. I guess I wasn't getting enough of something called B12 because of my mostly vegan diet."

We talked about a few more things before Jordan had to go out to eat with his mom so I let him go. I checked the time to see it was only about 7 a.m. The guys were probably all still sleeping.

I went to the couch and turned on Naked and Afraid. I got an apple, lemon water, and my B12 supplement and plopped down.

It was funny how the time in London was so different than the time in Scranton. My body wasn't used to the time change.

I continued watching Naked and Afraid with interest. Everything was quiet until ...


Hey hey. I'm so excited to see MIW. Hopefully I can. And plz vote and follow like fr.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
544 words

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now