thirty four • new year's day

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Maddie's POV

I smiled and ran downstairs. It was New Year's Day (not the band.) I always loved starting a new year because it made me feel sort of cleansed from the old year.

My Christmas break ended today as well, so I was up early getting ready for school. I tossed on black leggings and a yellow long sleeve shirt, as well as my yellow checkered VANS. I didn't bother with any crazy makeup, just mascara and eyeliner.

Chris and Gaia were still asleep, so I called Kuza and asked if he could take me to school. He agreed and I left dad a note.

I didn't wanna wake you and Gaia. Kuza took me to school. Love ya!
     - Maddie

Kuza was at my house quickly, so I grabbed my backpack and ran out to his car. He grinned. "Hey, Maddie."


"You know I'm not gonna let you go to school on New Year's Day. At least, not for the full day. Let's go to a movie and get lunch, then I'll take you."

"God, Kuza, you're gonna get me in so much trouble."

He grinned even wider. "You know you love me."


"Hey!" He exclaimed. "Rude!"

The theatre soon came into view. We walked inside and bought popcorn, candy, pop, and movie tickets.

I sat down next to Kuza and we talked and joked as the advertisements were being shown.

After the movie, we went to Subway. Kuza complained but he bought us both food.

"Time to go to school," he said.

"Yeah, and you're taking all the blame when dad gets mad."

"Yes ma'am."

Kuza led me into the office to sign me in. At this time, everybody was walking to the lunchroom. They saw Kuza and ended up running to the cafeteria.

I hugged him. "Bye, Kuza. Love you."

"I love you too."

I walked into the lunchroom and sat by Oliver, and Jordan. It felt bare without Kelly.

Julie walked up to us, with a new person at her side. "This is Dana."

"Hi, Dana," Jordan said. I could already tell he was interested in her. "I'm Jordan."

"I'm Maddie. This is my boyfriend, Oliver," I added.

Dana waved. "Hi."

It would never be the same without Kelly, but we had another person in our friend group. Dana filled that empty spot.

I legit got asked to the movies with my GF right after I wrote that lmao.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
410 words

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