twenty • first kiss

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Oliver's POV

I held Maddie's hand as we walked down the sidewalk. We led Lulu and Konnie up to houses, letting them get their candy.

"So, are you coming to school tomorrow?" I asked Maddie.

"No," she said. "Since I'm leaving again in two weeks, I'm just doing more online courses."

"Everyone misses you," I told her.

"I'll come in at lunch and hang."


"Ready to head home?" Chris called out.

Everyone agreed and we began the walk back to Chris's big house.

•     •     •     •     •

Maddie's POV

"No having sex!" Chris yelled behind me and Oliver as we ran upstairs.

"Yes ma'am!" I yelled back.


Oliver and I laughed and flopped onto my bed. "He didn't say anything about kissing," Oliver whispered.

"Or making out," I added.

He cupped my face in his hands once more. We looked each other in the eyes before slowly connecting our lips.

People say first kisses are supposed to be awkward. This one wasn't. This one felt so right.

We pulled apart. "I love you," we said in unison.

Oliver pulled me close to him. I curled into his side and breathed in his scent. "Goodnight, baby."


•     •     •     •     •

"Wear this," Oliver said, grabbing a black crop top and a maroon skater skirt.

I giggled. "My dad will have a fit."

"You look shmexy, though."

I shrugged and pulled off my tank top, not caring if he saw my undergarments. I slipped into my outfit and put on my white Doc Martins. I threw one of Ricky's beanies on my head.

Oliver pulled a hoodie out of his backpack that Ron had dropped off last night. "This is for you," he said.

It was a black sweatshirt with the Addidas logo on it. I hugged him and put it on.

We ran downstairs. Gaia smiled. "I'll take you guys to the school."

"Thanks," I said.


We hopped into Gaia's car and headed towards the school. We reached it quickly, and I gave Oliver a kiss. "See you at lunch."

"Love you," he said.

"Love you, too."

Once he left, Gaia smiled at me. "You guys are so cute."


"Anyway, your dad and I have been talking. He wants you to be put on birth control. You have a doctor's appointment in about fifteen minutes."

"Thanks for letting me know before hand," I joked, making her laugh.

After a few minutes of silence, I asked, "Gaia, can I call you mom? Or is that-"

She beamed. "Of course! Of course you can!"

I beamed as well. "Thank you, mom."

"No, thank you. I've always wanted a daughter," she admitted.

"I've always wanted a mom," I replied jokingly. "After the doctor's appointment, can I go to the school for lunch?"

"Yeah, sure, I'll drop you off there."

After my appointment, she dropped me off at my school. I walked into the lunchroom and my friends grinned at me. Time to catch up.

I didn't know where to end this lol. And they had their first kiss! Yay! Also, do you like Gaia being called mom?
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
514 words

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