seven • ricky's hugs

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Maddie's POV

Ricky gave the best hugs.

When he picked me up from school and engulfed me in a hug, I beamed. Jordan and his friends, Julie, Kelly, and Oliver followed me, nearly fainting.

"Whose this?" Ricky asked.

"My friends, Jordan, Julie, Kelly, and Oliver. Also, they're huge fans of Motionless."

Ricky shook hands with them all. "Nice to meet you guys."

Kelly fell into Julie and we all laughed.

"Okay, Junebug, Chris said I have to take you out for dinner today. He's being lazy," Ricky complained.

"Okay," I agreed.

I said bye to my friends and followed Ricky out to his car. He placed his arm around me, as per usual.

"I'm happy you made friends," he told me.

"Yeah, they're cool. I called someone a bitch today," I admitted.

"The sass is real!"

"Yes, yes it is. She was being an ass, though. Just saying."

"How are you doing with your ... depression, should we call it?" He asked reluctantly.

"Oh, it's ... um, it's okay," I replied, remembering the episode I had last night. I began explaining it to him.

After Ricky, Ghost, and Ryan left, and after Chris had said goodnight, I cried and cried. I didn't want to leave this house, but I wanted to go to school. It was like when a crackhead is trying to stop crack and then finds meth. They're being torn apart by the dedication to stay and the want to choose.

I found my razors I had in my backpack. I'd brought them with me from my parent's house. I wanted to slide them across my wrists so badly, but I knew that would be selfish. Chris and the guys have put themselves through so much for me, and I didn't want to add more problems to their plate.

For the first time since I'd found my little razor demons, I had ignored their callings.

Ricky patted my leg. "It's okay, JB. Remember, I'm only one call away. Same with everyone else. We'd get up and talk to you, even if it's 3 a.m."

"I feel selfish. You guys have done so much and I'm just a problem."

"No you're not, Maddie. We needed someone to brighten up our lives. All of ours. And that was you."

•     •     •     •     •

Chris's POV

I had a problem. It had to do with Maddie and I didn't know how to tell her.

She had to see her parents. It was in court. She had to face them in front of the judge and if everything went right, I would legally make her my daughter. The baddest thing was that she had to have a private meeting with her Mom and Dad. No me, no guards. Only cameras.

Ricky had taken her out for dinner while I tried to think of ways to tell her. I didn't want to send her into a panic attack, so I had to break it to her calmly. But she might also scream and yell and fight.

It had been three hours since school got out so her and Ricky should be arriving soon. I sat on the couch an waited anxiously.

Then the door opened.

Oh shit, what's gonna happen? Also I might be getting the Horror varsity jacket bundle on
     - salem♡

Edited and revised
550 words

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now