nineteen • big kids

546 20 5

Maddie's POV

Gaia and Chris walked into the living room. "Lunch is ready," Gaia announced.

There was yet another knock on the door, so I ran to open it. There stood someone who I hadn't seen in a really long time.

"Kuza!" I shouted, jumping into his arms.

"Junebug!" He shouted back.

"I missed you," I told him, once he set me down.

"Missed you, too, little creature. Now, where's this boyfriend?"

I led Kuza over to Oliver. They introduced themselves and I saw Kuza smile. "Be nice to my girl."

"Of course," Oliver replied.

"I have an idea!" Balz exclaimed.

"Uh oh," I muttered.

"How about we go trick or treating?!"

"Balz, you guys are, like 30!"

"I'm 23!" Vinny defended. "So let's go trick or treating."

"How about we get Kylie's niece and Allie's little sister and then we go out," I suggested. "So we look like we're taking kids out."

Oliver was cracking up, holding onto my shoulder. Balz and Vinny nodded and Kylie and Allie went to go call whoever.

"How about we go for a walk while we're waiting?" I asked Oliver and his parents. "We have a pretty trail out behind our house."

Lindsey grinned. "We'd love that."

We began our walk, Oliver and I holding hands. Lindsey smiled at us. "You guys are so cute together."

"Thanks," I said, smiling. "And, uh, sorry for my family."

"What for? You have a great family. You don't look a lot like your dad or mom, though," she observed.

"I was adopted," I explained.

"Oh, I'm sorr-"

"No need to apologize. I'm happier with Chris."

Oliver squeezes my hand. "Are you dressing up, since I guess we're going trick or treating?"

"I'm gonna do my makeup, that's about it."

He nodded and I suggested we head back. They all agreed and we made our way back across the trail.

•     •     •     •     •

"You look great, babe," Oliver complimented me.

"Thanks," I said, getting up and walking over to my bed where he sat.

He smiled and looked me in the eyes, grabbing my face. I smiled back.

I'm about to have my first kiss.

"Junebug!" Chris called.


Oliver laughed. "It's okay. We'll get back to that later."

He threw me over his shoulder, surprisingly, and began walking downstairs. I giggled and kicked my feet around.

Kylie's niece, Lulu, and Allie's sister, Konnie, sat on the couch, all dressed up. I had dressed myself and Oliver up as murder victims, and the kids looked scared.

Lindsey and Ron smiled at us. "We're gonna head home. Chris and Gaia said you could spend the night, Ol, and they'll take you to school."

He nodded and said thanks to dad and Gaia. I grabbed his hand and said, "let's go trick or treating."

The cringe! I can't believe I wrote this piece of garbage.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
480 words

Edited and revised

junebug {adopted by chris motionless}Where stories live. Discover now