the party

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The week flew by, leaving Rinka at her own doorstep with her two old friends from E-class, Rio and Kaede, who always seemed to know the dress code for any occasion.

Rinka was wearing a black miniskirted dress with a pair of black  stiletoes.

The car showed up at seven fifteen and the girls climbed into the back seat.
Meahara's house had been set up to look like a rave, and was a success at it. Rio instantly went to dance, Kaede close behind. Rinka instead sat down on the couch Ryunosuke arrived a few minutes later and sat next to her.

"Everyone looks like they're having the time of their lives" he observed aloud.

Rinka looked to see almost everyone was on the dance floor jamming out to Meahara's shuffle such was blaring out of two bass boosting air speakers. She looked over to Ryu, who was already looking to her.

"HEY GUYS!" said Terasaka bursting through the door " GUESS WHO BROUGHT THE PARTY?" he had two  bottles of vodka in each hand.

Hayami sighed. Of course there would be drinking, it was a party after all. Yoshida came in after, with a twenty-four pack in hand. There was enough alcohol for all fifteen people easily.

"Hey why don't we play spin the bottle?" Rio said with a smirk.

"Ooh good idea" said Okano.

"That settles it" said Maehara turning the stereo down "everyone to the floor" he said.

Karma drew the short straw and wound up being pointed to Okuda, who leaned across the space in turn, blushing furiously. The redhead have her a sweet kiss then pulled away with a wink. Meahara spin next landing on Okano, who had no problem with that. Then it was Rinka's turn landing on Terasaka. She looked to Rio, who passed the bottle of liquor over.

"Rejected!" exclamed Karma lauging as he fell bakwards into the floor, Rinka guessed the shot he had just taken wasn't the only one he had tonight.

Rinka had never had alcohol before. Her pulse raced as Rio filled her shotglass, Rinka's hand shook as she out it to her lips. She tiped it, wincing at the kick. 

Rinka thought the corner of the room used to look
sharper before.

Ryu spun the bottle landing on Rinka. He waited for her to take another shot, like the last two times. She didn't. Instead she leaned across the empty space bracing her weight on her hands. Then she just kinda collapsed.

Ryu leaned over and grabbed her shoulders to lift her up. She stared into his eyes, he noticed hers were kind of unfocused. She craned her neck trying to reach his face, he held her shoulders firm.

"How many has she had" Ryu asked seriously.

"Only three" Rio said, "she must be even more of a lightweight than Karma"

Karma in turn laughed, "Me a lightweight? Nagi tell them I'm not a lightweight" he slung his arm around Nagisa's shoulders, nearly knoking the poor boy down.

Ryu did a mental recount. "I don't think she's ever drank before" he said to Rio who was trying to get Nagisa out from under Karma who was saying something like "my bestest friends EVER" he wound up pulling Rio down too.

Ryu chuckled, of course The badass of E-class would be a clingy drunk.

"Ryuuu the rules say you have to hic kiss me or d-hic-drink." Rinka said with a slur.

Ryu have her a peck in the cheek then turned to Rio who was pushing Karma off

"I think I had better get her home" he grabbed Rinka's arm an helped her to her feet, wich were very wobly on stilettos, only for her to fall again. He led her to the door ignoring Rio and Nagisa's very loud exclamation of "KARMA NO!".

"Ryuuuuuu!" Rinka complained loudly pointing down, Ryu seen herf heel had broke. 

If he didnt think so before, he now knew for a fact, that there was no way Rinka could walk back to her street, even with his help. He only lived a few blocks away, but his parents had left for a romantic weekend, so the thought was not too apealing. He decided in the end that the house was gonna be his best bet. At that moment Rinka slipped, breaking the heel of her other shoe.

"Are heels desigined to kill girls or annoy guys" Ryu mumbled as he helped her up, then hoisted her into his back.

She was a lot smaller than him, so she wasn't too hard to carry. He took Rinka to his room setting her down carefully on the bed. She had already passed out. He walked over to the beanbag chair in the corner and flopped down for the night

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