Halloween III

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Ryuunosuke stared across the food area, not sure what the girls were talking about but it was making rinka blush. He couldnt stop thinking about how adorable her blush was....how adorable she was. He stared quite a bit not realizing nagisa a was talking until maehara poked him in the ribs

"eyes on the prize, huh?" Maehara said with a wink

"What?" Ryuu asked staring at the class playboy

"Its so undeniably obvious Chiba, you font need to hide it" isogai chipped in after swallowing his food

"I mean, she is cute and all, plus you've had a crush on her since our kunagigoaka days." Nagisa added

Ryuu stared at these guys, If it was this obvious to them did that mean rinka already knew? Did she just pretend not to notice for his sake? Was she going to reject him tonight....

"And its beyond obvious that Ginger likes you too" said karma with a mouthful

Ryuu stared at him "what makes you say that?"

"She keeps sneaking glances at you, she never leaves your side, she seldom gets mad at you...things like that" said nagisa

"Not to mention she has been drooling at you all night" said karma lamely

"Really?" Ryuu asked very curious now

"And she hasn't had a boyfreind since she met you" isogai stated

"That shows she gas liked you a lot for a long time" maehara said in a matter of fact tone

Ryuu smiled down at his food, so happy for the confidence boost. He debated on walking over there right now and telling her, hut decided it should be special.

He had no clue how he was finally gonna tell her, but he had the idea that it would be amazing. He did love her after all so it should all go perfectly.

"How should I tell her?" he asked looking over to nagisa, who just stuttered and shut up

Isogai stepped up first "maybe you should lead her to the cliffside and confess under the fireworks" he suggested

"Or make out under the fireworks and tell her in the heat of the moment so she can't say no" maehara offered

"Hold her sister hostage unless she says yes" karma all but demanded

Ryuu didnt think any of these plans good enough and he looked to nagisa for a final input

"Maybe all of the above....her favorite flower is a lily, maybe put one behind her ear, take two pieces of paper and ask her to write anything she wants you to know on it then hang it to you folded, you do the same to her. Then hold her hand and lead her to the fireworks....unfolding the papers just as they start. When she looks up from the papers...emm...that's when you kiss her." Nagisa began getting more nervous as people stared at him...

"Woah...bro that's gold right there" isogai said with a dropped jaw

"Of course I could gave done better" karma stated

"Bro....you need to get laid...and soon" maehara said, causing a tablewide deadpan

Ryuu glanced over at the girls table. Tonight he would tell her how he felt1

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