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Rinka walked to the old classroom not sure what she was feeling. She couldn't be mad at Kimura for spouting what the government made people believe. She sat at her old desk and stroked where she had carved her name. She looked idly from the door to the window wheren she heard a voice from behind her

"Are you okay Ms. Hayami?" A student with messy light brown hair appeared next to her. He had a similar vibe as Nagisa, as though he were a spider waiting to strike.

"Please just Hayami, and I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You're crying" he said furrowing his brow

She pressed a finger to her face and found streams of tears were still steadily flowing. She didn't notice when she cried because her breath never hitched, her throat never burned, her eyes just poured.

"Im Nishouto, do you want to talk or something?" He said sitting backwards in the chair in front of her

"You don't need to listen to my problems" she said wiping her eyes.

"But YOU need to talk to someone about them" he said

He had an odd aura, one of a trained assassin, one curious to the world's workings. He reminded her of Nagisa, though there was something more melancholy about this Nishouto, she couldn't place why but she felt he had his own issues.

"Well for starters, I have no clue why I'm here." She looked to her hands.

"Was the threat a Monster, like the government said" he asked with a furrowed brow

A fierceness appeared in her eyes "No, he was a good man. The most amazing teacher any of us could have ever dreamt of. We were the lowest of the low, we didn't deserve him"

Nishouto nodded "now you're explaining your thoughts"

"I don't know why, like I dont expect him to come through the door, tentacles waving in the wind. I just wish that I could talk to him one last time. That I could ask for his ever flowing list of advice on everything. The book isnt enough, I want to see Korosensei one last time" she hid her face in her hands, rapidly rubbing her tears away.

Nishouto put a hand on her shoulder in reassurance "what would you ask him?"

"I'd ask for advice on how to raise my sister, how to pass third year, how to get into a good university,  how to...." She stopped herself and looked up "I should be teaching you how to use default positions to your advantage for future targets, not crying about my problems to you" she stated

"Its good to know that while you are an extremely well trained  and dangerous individual,  you are human. You've seen things that I can only imagine,  and been in situations that I can't imagine.  You've been through this longer than any of us, and you still have a heart. You aren't like other assassins,  of course you have focus and regret in your eyes, but it perfectly accents the hope, the longing, the determination and youthfulness. You are perfectly human. Humans have problems, but as people we feel the need to share, and that's a good thing." He said smiling "eh, now I'm just rambling on, " he scratched this cheek looking down

"No, what you're saying makes sense." She reassured "now, I can read people as well, so what are you running from, and who are you running to?" She said propping her head on her arm

"I don't know what you're talking about" he said doing  a decent job of lying.

Rinka was trained to know that he wasn't spilling. "I think you do."

"I'm just trying to keep from dying" he smiled "I was sentenced to either go to a permanent relocation center for being a public threat, or aid the government"

"Why?" Rinka asked

"Do you remember the boy taken and trained by the reaper, who later succeeded him?" He asked

"Yeah, he nearly killed us several times and gutshot our friend after going psyco" she answered

"Well, he trained me. I was supposed to be placed in Eclass that year, for failing class 3d. He took me and trained me that year, telling me that he worked for the government. He kept me for a year before he died" Nishouto explained glumly

"I'd say sorry for your loss, but um, I'm not" rinks said reaching slowly at the holster on her hip

"You dont need your gun, he took me. He threatened to family, he beat the shit out of me for 324 days in a row. I should thank you all for ending him" as he spoke Rinka could almost see the bloodlust in his aura. Luckily it wasn't directed at her.

They left the classroom with a lighter mood and parted ways

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