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Hey peeps! Just a quick authors note here, I will now be writing more in first person instead of third person. And since this story has been on such a long haitus I decided that this new chapter will be a LONG chapter. Even longer than chapter two. I like to make my chapters around 500 words max with the ocasional cliffhanger, but this chapter will probably be over 1,000 words. I hope you enjoy this chapter of Shot Through the Heart!

Rinka's POV

The phone on my nightstand chimed at four in the morning. Only one person I know would be inconciderate enough to ignore time difference; I picked up the phone

"Hello mother" I said still groggy from sleep.

"Sweetheart it's nine in the morning, sound alive!" her ever cheerfull high piched voice gave me a headache.

"Mother you're in Europe and I'm in Japan, time is different" I said in the most polite voice I could muster.

"Young lady! don't you dare talk back to me!" She screeched "I just called to say Happy Birthday".

My birthday had been six weeks prior, but she had already hung up. I thought back to that day...

                                           Flash back

I was taking the trash out in the morning. After I had chunked the load I began my journey back to the solitude of my appartment.

Since mom decided to travel the world once dad died she left me, a gangly almost-fourteen-year-old, to watch the appartment. Though I hated her when she was around, I couldn't bear to be alone. I thought flunking might make her mad enough to come back but it only earned me an earfull over the phone from Ontario Canada. In E class I met someone who could chase the dark presence of lonliness away with just a smile. His name was Ryunosuke Chiba, my best friend.

Once I reached the upper floor two large hands covered my eyes (Well half my face too).

"Guess who" said a low almost gravely voice next to my ear.

"The guy who is going to one day give me a heart attack?" I said with a smile.

In a split second his hands were away from my face and he had his arms around my waist lifing me up at least three feet in the air.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RINKA" he shouted. Once my feet were on the ground I turned to him

"you remembered'' I gave him a hug in return.

"Got any plans?" he said a little too enthusiastically.

I opened my mouth to tell him I was going to need to cleanup in cas my mom came over but was interupted with "No? Well good 'couse I've got plenty for the both of us!''.

This was just the kind of thing he would do.

"What do you have planned?" I said crossing my arms.

"Well have you had breakfast yet? Its only seven-thirty" he said looking lost in thought.

"No, not yet" i said still questioning on wether i should be afraid or not.

"Well come over and I'll make chocolate chip birthday pancakes! Then we can head on to The Arcadium on Independance Ave, they make the best pizza. Oh, and they have a huge laser tag arena!" He said with his smile growing wider with each new idea.

"Is there a reason you're being overly enthusiastic" I quizzed. he rocked backward on his heels before reaching into his back pocket

"Well my parents left me home aloe with an american express card on my best friends birthday..." he said raising an eyebrow "not a good idea".

I couldnt keep the laughter in "Okay, but I'm not taking any responsibility for our actions"

As soon as I locked the house up we headed to the Chiba household where as promised we made a huge mess of the kitchen. After we finshed my special birthday pancakes we headed to The Arcadium where we each paid forty dollars for a wristband the headed to the laser tag arena once we had our vests on we waited for the next round.

There were sixty people, thirty people on blue team and thirty people on red, the rules were simple the round was one hour and if there were more than fifteen people in the arena after fifty minutes then the game would cange to pvp and all vests would turn white. Ryunosuke  reached into his messenger bag

"I think you're missing something" he said before pulling out a cheap tiara that said 'Birthday Girl'. He placed it on my head and chuckled "Perfect. Happy birthday".

"I will cherish it forever'" I said folding my hands in a slight bow.

"oh, thats not your present" he laughed.

Before I could even worry aboth the meaning of that, the buzzer sounded starting the sixty seconds to look for a position before the round started.

We found a foam obstical in one of the corners of the mase. It had a shelf that was about three feet wide. Ryu climed uptop the shelf and fit into sniper position, I squated under the shelf. We took out over seveteen people on the opposing team before the fifty minutes were up and everyone had to move towards the center of the arena where we realized that they were the only ones remaining on our team.

We then were able to combine ourskills and take out the remaining eight people before we were the only ones left. Ryu made me shoot him since it was my birthday. then we played some more shooting games until around noon.

At noon we went to get some pizza from the food court before we went back to playing the arcade games once five folled around we headed out. I was simply intending to go home and watch some comedy but Ryu insisted we stopped by his place first. as he oppened the door I peeked in. All the ligts were off. We stepped inside and he closed the door.

The second he flipped the lightswich I heard a chorus of "SUPRISE!!!" I screamed. Almost everyone from Eclass was there.

"You guuuuys" I said, not able to hide my graditude. Rio stepped foreward

"Don't thank us, thank him" she said pointing to the person behind me.

I tackled Ryu and said thank you at least four hundered times

"I've never had a birthday party!" I said quietly.

After that it was pretty fun, We played truth or dare, we ate cake, we caught up, and before i realized it the clock stroke one am and we had to go home. Ryu walked me to my appartment and we parted ways.

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