Perfectly Imperfect

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The three were seated next to a window. Ryuu needed to learn how to better conceal his shock

"What are you looking at?" Rinka asked in a hushed but menacing voice

"N-nothing, you just look..." he started not sure of how to describe it. Breathtaking would be accurate, though akward. He couldnt settle on a word

"I look?" Rinka said impatiently

Ryuu hated being pressured to speak "Perfect."

Did he really say that? By the look on her face he was pretty sure he did.

At that moment Elise came back from the bathroom and began to order.  Elise bought the most expensive things on the menu, then took it opon herself to order for everyone else.

Ryuu couldnt help but think something was up. Rinka had an even darker aura than before. He couldnt help but think back to how rinka said 'things arent alwayas as they seem'. Did she mean that her mother wasnt nice? The waiter braught a bottle of champagne in a glass jar of ice for Elise. Ryuu didnt understand why the waiter placed down three glasses. Elise placed the other two glasses in front of him and Rinka, then proceded to fill them. 

"Go on, my husband is a friend of the owner" Elise said with a wink.

Rinka pressed the glass to her lips and took a tiny sip

Ryuu took a sip as well, to be polite.

After a few minutes Ryuu broke the ice (or at least tried to)

"So Rinka has your day been okay?" He said shakily

She nodded in response

"Is that one of the dresses we got?" He questioned

"Yes, it was like a lottery, all the dresses wound up nice" she said smiling to herself

Ryuu grinned slightly at her

Elise seemed to notice at this moment that Rinka's glass was one drink short. The woman decided to fill it for her  and her hand slipped (almost too perfectly).

Ryuu's assassination reflexes kicked inning theat exact moment, he pulled one of the empty glasses over Rinka's lap, catching the stray spill.

Rinkas assassination skills kicked in as well, pushing the bottle away from her, spilling the wine on her mother's dress instead.

Her mother's face read pure hatred as she sent a forcefull slap across Rinka's face, her diamond ring scratching her daughter's cheekbone.

The woman then grabbed a fistful of strawberry blonde curls, pulling Rinka across the table


Rinka let her mother hit her twice before getting up, bowing, and walking away. Ryuu, shocked beyond words, followed her.

She Jay walked across the street to the park bench.

Ryuu didn't want to say anything to upset her, though he did want an explanation. He noticed part of her arm was showing above the mesh sleeve. It was bruised purple. He thought back to the puckered brown scars on Rinka's back

"Did Elise smoke?" He asked quietly

Rinka nodded

Ryuu wanted to tell at the top of his lungs to let out the frustration of the fact that his best friend had been struggling right in front of him and he remained ignorant and naive.

He had no clue how long it had been but Rinka had fallen asleep on his shoulder and so he called for his parents to send a car.

He carried her to her apartment to find Elise not there.

He layed her softly on her bed, and pulled her purple blankets over her. Not wanting her to accidentally rip such a beautiful dress, he unzipped the back, so that she wouldn't tear it in her sleep.

It almost bothered him at what a heavy sleeper she was

Days passed and there was no sign of Elise being in the country. Until Rinka heard a doorbell and opened the door to find a blonde little girl on the other side holding a suitcase. The child handed a letter to the confused teen

"This is for you Onee-chan" the girl said with a smile

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