how to relationship

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The next  morning, ryuu woke earlier than rinka, so he gave the sleeping girl a kiss on the cheek before getting dressed and leaving her bedroom. He seen Nish on the floor in front of the couch sleeping soundly, and Luka on the couch with his arm dangling off and hand near nish's. Ryuu suspected they fell asleep holding hands....but why not in their own room...bro it's right down the hall. So he decided to check.

Upon entering the room he found kaji and nakaitemura on nish's bed passed out, kaji still had his ds in his pocket and the kids were still in their costumes, yet nish placed their shoes by  the bed.

Ryuu then went to check on Yuna, she had dressed herself for best in one of his old shirts rinka gave the child when they first started living here together because at the time yuna had no nightgowns. He could tell she had done it herself because the shirt was inside out and backwards. Her costume and shoes were discarded to the corner of the room. He gathered them up and took them to the laundry room.

When he came back he heard noise in nish's room. He went inside to find the boys awake. And arguing.

"So um....good morning kids" ryuu said, he was still akward around young children.

They grunted in response.

"I have plans for today, so get dressed and come in the kitchen when you're done" ryuu suggested in a slightly uncomfortable voice as he left the room

After a few minutes the boys came in, no shoes but they had dressed themselves properly. He then instructed them on how to help him make breakfast. Kai was all for it and instantly putting on a too-big apron.

"But nii-san....why should I have to make breakfast?" Kaji complained, wanting to just play pokemon

"Well...tuna might like breakfast when she wakes up, it would be a fun suprise..." ryuu suggested again, but tries to sound fun.

Kaji seemed to be cool with that idea and got to work on cracking eggs and mixing pancake batter

Nakaitemura worked to make biscuit dough and roll it onto the greased sheet

Ryuu made sure to be the only one using the stovetop to make over easy eggs, cook the pancakes, simmer the sausage, and cook the gravy. There were alot of people if you counted karma, nagisa, kaede, and rio in his room. Finally nish woke and set the table, then he went through and woke everyone up

All the teens and kids were very suprised and sat back to enjoy the hearty breakfast, with ryuu and rinka at head of table, karma next to rio, kaede next to nagisa, nishi and luka at opposite end of table. The kids ate at the mini table in the kitchen and had kid conversations. Mostly the boys being prideful and boasting about who stirred and mixed the best dish while yuna quietly nommed her breakfast and watched cartoons on her kids tablet.

At the end of the meal ryuu collected the dishes to wash buf rinks stopped him
"You cooked, I clean" she stated

"Nah, you wash, I'll rinse" ryuu said with a smile.

She nodded at the compromise and stood at the sink and washed the dishes, he rinsed and in turn they all got done. Ryuu splashed water from his wet hands onto rinka's face. She laughs and in return she splashes suds at him, he took a handful of the suds and patted her head with a smile, but before she could make her next attack he kissed her. Right on the lips in the kitchen, his hand on the top of her head and his back arched downward to be short enough she didnt have to tiptoe.

She grinned up at him then poured the remaining water in the mug she was washing onto his feet, he was wearing socks. He made the face of one who had lost a battle then pat her head again as he walked to his room to change into everyday clothes

Okay so I felt really bad about not posting so I had to make a post, it's a bit rushed since I did it during school, but I hope y'all like it. And thank you all so much for being so understanding and patient, you're the best readers ever ♡♡

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