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Hello my fellow TANGERINES 🍊 i hope you guys are having a wonderful day and that you like this chapter



Ponys POV

"Would you rather go through the day speaking in movie quotes or book quotes?" i asked Remy, we were playing 'would you rather' just to past time, till her shift was over, which ends in 30 minutes.

"Books" i raised an eyebrow, something everybody seems to pick up from two-bit even remy has "Books?" "Yeah" she said confidently and a smirk "Really cause i think i know more quotes from books then you do" i said all cocky like, smirking also.

"Really now? wanna bet" "Ok...but what happens to the winner which will obviously be me". "The winner will get to have a kiss and thats it" "Oh come on thats not fair" i said with a pout, she laughed.

"Really? cause i think its pretty fair" i shook my head 'no' "Ok then what do you think the winner should get?" "The winner should get or can do whatever it is they want, when they do win" i said smiling.

She nodded "Seems fair to me" she said with a smile, we shook hands on it and held hands walking out the DX, with Jeffery on my other hand.


Remys POV

Soda, steve, pony and me were in the pickup truck, Darry always picked up Soda and Steve from work, we were going to the house.

"Hey Darry, you think we could go to a vet to see how Jeffery is, i got the money" "I thought i said that if you kept the dog that it was your responsibility" "Oh come on Dar, its not even that far its just downtown" he grunted but agreed in the end.

I kissed his cheek "Thanks darebare" and sat back on my spot. Me and pony were sitting in the back with soda, since steve called shotgun, earlier. We dropped soda and steve at home "Good luck with Jeffy" "Thanks soda" he nodded at me and started walking into the house.

"Dont eat up all the food, you too steve!" Darry yelled at them, i laughed and pony did too, soda smiled at him and darry waved his hand bye before we left to the vet.

* At the vet*

"Well Jeffery seems fine and healthy i gave him all the shots hes needed and he'll have to have a check up on September which is still far from now" she said smiling leading us to the counter with jeffery already beside me on his leash.

I paid for his shots and the appointment and we left. When we got home, Darry made dinner, i gave Jeffery some dog food and all the gang ate and left after.

Darry asked me to keep Jeffery outside, i agreed not trying to give a hard time, Pony and me grabbed the chance of watching the sunset while we were out there.

We went back inside and watch tv a little before going to bed. Before Pony and me reached our bedroom soda stopped us "Um... you guys arent doing anything bad in there are you?".

I blushed a deep red and Pony did too, i mean we already did do something but hey at least we used protection, i answered "Nope, we just sleep" i said smiling trying to hide my blush.

He looked at me then at pony and back to me. Oh no hes suspecting something, " Soda we arent doing anything...we just sleep" Pony said.

Soda squinted his eyes at me and Pony "Hope not" he then went to his room and closed the door behind him. I sighed in relief.

Pony chuckled seeing that i sighed, "Its not funny!" he just smiled at me grabbed my hand "Come on lets just go to bed" i smiled and we went into our bedroom.

And slept peacefully.


Well there you go TANGERINES 🍊 i hope you guys like it and some new stuff is gonna happen just letting you guys know and i realize that i always end the my chapters with them sleeping... oh well hope you like it, comment, vote or just read but PINEAPPLES 🍍

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