Family? Pt.3

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Heyo TANGERINES 🍊 so heres chapter 14 hope you like it, and hopefully family? ends in this chapter, The Fault In Our Stars will be in this chapter too and it might be in some of the next chapters too, so yup



Remys POV

While me and pony were talking, Jacky and Johnny didnt even say a peep, not at even at each other. They were just looking opposite ways of each other with a red tint in their faces. "Well they're doing swell" i kinda whispered at Pony, to not offend Jacky or Johnny. "Yup, just grand, but you'll see they will at least talk to each other at the end of the day...hopefully" Pony whispered back. After that lunch was over and all 4 of us had 7th period together which is a free period.

All you do in free period is be in the halls and do whatever you want. We went to sit at my locker since me and Pony had science next and science was right next to my locker. I sat next to Pony, Jacky sat next to me and Johnny sat next to pony, meaning that they were in total opposite sides, man if you asked me they looked mad at each other instead of shyness. Maybe they are mad at each other? no they dont even know each other. We were all quiet, just sitting there.

When Pony started saying something "Oh i almost forgot, twinkle star i have a track meeting after school so i wont be able to walk with you home" "Oh ok thats fine, maybe someone can go with me" *cough *cough i tried getting Jacky's attention to ask her, but someone just couldnt take a hint and she didnt even turn "Jackers, will you walk with me to Ponys house?" "O-oh uh no i cant i-i my parents want me home right after school so i-i cant sorry Rem" "Oh thats ok Jacky" so i tried asking Johnny next.

"Hey Johnny, wanna walk to the curtis house with me?" " S-sorry Remy i cant im just gonna go home or the lot okay?, sorry" "Thats ok Johnny, just be careful ok?" "Yeah" he whispered. Well gee thanks for the company guys, its ok im just kinda scared to walk by myself cause of all the socs but i think ill be fine. I think i should make Jacky and Johnny talk or at least say hi to each other so i made a plan with Pony.

"Okay, we have to do something, they obviously like each other but wont do anything" "Yeah i agree with you but what can we do?" "I have an idea, you talk to Johnny about Jacky and ill talk to Jacky about Johnny" "But i dont know Jacky so much" "Just try something" he gave me a thumbs up and turned to Johnny to talk. I turned to Jacky and i started talking too. "So Jackers, you feelin ok?" "Yeah of course, why do you ask?" "Oh its just you've been so quiet and your just never quiet"

"Im just really shy, i cant get the courage to talk to Johnny" "Well at least try saying hi to him, you know?" "Yeah but i just..cant Rem" "Okay, im gonna do you a favor ok" "Ok?" i grabbed her arm and put her right in front of Johnny. She turned red and tried saying something "...hi..." "...hey..." Pony stopped talking to Johnny and scooted away from them for privacy. Pony and me just left them alone and talked.

"Dont you think they'll make a cute couple" "Yeah but not as cute as us" i smiled "Duh!" he just laughed and stared at my eyes "I love you Remy" "I love you too pony" and then he leaned in and kissed me. The bell rang and me and pony had to go to science, Jacky and Johnny looked so happy they were smiling at each other and it looked like they were deep into conversation. They stood up too and they both went together still talking to their classes. I think they had 8th period together too but dont know.

"Alrighty, lets go to science" i said while swinging me and ponys hands together. When we got to science we sat next to each other and learned about the periodical table, what fun, but after science, Pony kissed my cheek before leaving "See you later, it wont take long" "Ok, see you later" i was gathering my books into my bag, and after i closed my locker i saw Jacky with the biggest smile i've ever seen. "Well, arent you a happy camper" "Indeed i am, you wont believe what happened" "Well what happened" "Johnny just asked me out!" "Aw thats awesome" "Yup, the lot at 6, can you believe that?!?" "I'm so happy for you!" "But i owe it all to you, if you hadn't dragged me to Johnny i wouldnt have even said a hi to him" and Johnny came all of a sudden next to Jacky kissing her cheek.

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