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Hello my know what im going to name you guys TANGERINES 🍊 as you all know i say PINEAPPLES 🍍 at the end of each chapter so yup...



Remys POV

"WHAT WHATS WRONG!!!!". "It's time for schoolio!!!!. "UGH!!!! maybe later". "Nope, now get up!". I think soda was the one waking me up right now and i dont think i really enjoy it. Well it is a Monday and i have to go to school or should i say hell. I turned to my left to see Pony there still out cold, all sodas yelling didnt even wake him up, wow he could sleep through an earthquake.

"Pony wake up its time for school". "I will only wake up with lip connection" i smiled and happily gave it to him. We both started getting ready for school, "Pony can you leave the room i gotta change" the room suddenly turned quiet and the door hadnt even opened or closed, i then felt arms wrap around my waist, i jumped at the sudden touch "Did i scare you?" pony said in a husky voice, i couldnt say anything i just stood there.

"Why should i leave maybe i want to see more" pony said again in a husky voice, pony and me hadnt really tried anything sexual yet and i didnt know how to react to it. "Come on pony, were gonna be late for school" i felt pony smile next to my cheek, where his head was on my shoulder, he kissed my cheek before leaving the room. Now that was the loving and sweet pony i knew, I was still surprised of the sudden change to sweetness, i just wasnt expecting it at 7 in the morning if it were any other time i would have gone along, but not too far.

I decided on wearing a mint kind of color shirt, pink pants and my white converse with my star necklace, i always wore my star necklace, my last name is starr and since my mom saw that too she got me the necklace and i always wore it to keep it as a memory of my mom. When i came out Pony was already eating breakfast that Darry made, guess he changed in the bathroom, Darry made eggs with bacon and sausage, delicious.

"Good morning twinkle star" Darry said "Mornin dare bare" i said "Made some eggs hope you like em" "Are you kidding, they smell delicious" he smiled "Eat up" he put a plate next to Pony, i sat next to him and started eating the eggs. "Glad you guys are up, we gotta go before were late, bye guys" said Soda dragging Darry out. they left and it was just me and Pony, we had to go walk to school hope we dont have trouble with the socs while were walkin there.

I got up and put my plate on the sink and waited for pony, "Ready to go?" asked pony "Yup" we started walking out the door, "Hey, do you mind if we go by Johnnys house and walk to school with him" "lets go!" i said we started walking to Johnny's house. When we got there Johnny was just coming out of his house, pony waved at him and he waved back, he came to us and we walked to school together.

"Remy whats your schedule"

"1st period i have: gym

2nd period i have: social studies

3rd period i have: english

4th period i have: technology

5th period i have: math

6th period: lunch

7th period is my free period

8th period i have: science"

"Oh ok, i have 2, 4, and 7 period with you and lunch" said Johnny. "I have 3,8, and 7 period and lunch with you twinkle star" said pony all smiley. "Good ill see you guys today!" we then entered the school, and i went to my locker that was on the 2nd floor, Ponys was on the same floor but farther away, Johnnys was on the 1st floor.

I hope this day goes well but ill just have to find out.


Well there you go my TANGERINES🍊 i know i havent updating in a while and im sorry but trust me all summer long this is all im going to be doing school for me ends june 27 so after that day ill be updating a lot....hopefully, but any who hope you guys like this chapter and comment, vote, or just read ok but the title of this chapter does not make sense now so lets just say its part 1 of family? Ok you'll understand in part 2 but anyways PINEAPPLES🍍.

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