Meeting Evie

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Okkie dokkie TANGERINES 🍊 heres chapter 18



Remys POV

When we started walking back home, i was so happy to be Ponys, now i could finally call him mine. Im just glad that nothing could stop us from being together and loving each other.

The gang loves me, as do i and i feel wanted and loved by everybody in the gang, back at my house there was no body there for me and i cut myself all the time there was only my dad, but i havent heard of him since i left.

I dont hope anything bad for him, but he did what he did, and if he chose to continue life like that then i cant stop him, i just wish he could change back to his old self.

Im not planning on cutting my self anymore.

When we got to the house we had to clean the dishes we used earlier, i washed them while pony dried them. After that we went and watched Mickey, two-bit and steve were there.

The screen door had opened and in came Jacky and Johnny, i guess Johnny wanted the gang to meet her. Dally came behind them and sat down on the floor. Pony and me were sitting on the couch.

I moved a little so Johnny and Jacky could sit there but there was only room for one. So Johnny sat down and Jacky sat on his lap. Sodapop came along and sat on the floor looking at our direction, then he said "Well, whats this dolls name Johnny?" "Jacky" "Is she your girl?" "Yup, i wanted you guys to meet her" that got everyones attention.

Pony was reading the book that we got assigned for summer reading and wasnt really paying attention, he already knew who Jacky was, so i let him read, i thought about joining him but Jacky is my friend. So ill read later.

Everybody was talking to Johnny and Jacky, and they had sat on the floor by the coffee table, everyone was around the table just talking. Pony didnt move, he was too busy reading and he stayed on the couch, while i was in the circle that everyone was in.

Everbody was deep into conversation, like asking about Johnny and Jackys PDA and stuff like that when i felt eyes behind my head, looking deeply at me. The only person that was behind me was Pony.

But he was too busy reading so it couldnt have been him, but everyone was where i was, so who was it? i looked behind me and saw a smiling Pony just starring at me. I gave him a weird face, confused as to why he was just starring at me for no reason.

So i stood up from the circle and went to sit next to Pony "Why you starring at me?" "Cause your beautifull" (The Fault In Our Stars: page 16, chapter 1) i smiled and happly said "Why thank you, your not so bad yourself" he smiled and kissed me before returning to his reading.

I stayed sitting next Pony and watched Mickey. "Hey i could bring Evie over so you and rem can meet her" i heard steve say from the circle he was looking at me and Jacky, i nodded and said sure, Jacky did too.

He jumped up all excited and left to go get Evie. A while later he came back with an arm around Evie, like she was a prize he won from a drag race. Its not that its a bad thing... well it kinda is, but who am i to get in between their relationship.

Steve and Evie went to sit at the circle, i still sat at the couch with Pony, and Jacky was sitting at the circle still with Johnny. Evie and Jacky werent even talking to each other or into the conversation the boys were having. They also looked bored, so i thought we could a conversation just us girls.

I whispered to Jacky "You seem bored, lets go to the dinning room table" she nodded with wide eyes as if saying, you are my hero. I laughed and went to Evie to tell her the same thing "You seem bored, lets go to the dinning room table" she smiled and nodded, while getting up.

Jacky was already at the table and i came with Evie, the boys didnt even notice that the 2 girls left. I sat down and started to talk "Hey Evie, its nice meeting you" "Yeah its nice meeting you guys too" "Well for once without the guys"

She nodded and said "I'm so happy im not the only girl in this gang anymore" i smiled and said "Well you did have Sandy" she put a face of disgust and said "She was real bitchy, she wanted me to cheat on Steve like she did to soda but i couldnt do that to Steve" i smiled "Well now you got us" she smiled and nodded.

She looked at Jacky and notice she was awful quiet, i saw that too and for her to be quiet is surprising, but i already knew her and she was like that around new people. "You and Johnny are both quiet you know that?" she smiled and put a dreamy face on when Johnnys name came up, she looked real in love.

Evie smiled cause she noticed that too "You love him?" "Yeah...a lot" she smiled still dreamly. Evie still smiling said "Why dont we hang out sometime, you know just us girls?" Jacky and me looked at each other and nodded to Evie.

"You could meet my friend Alyssa, shes real cool, and people say shes a dally girl version of him" i smirked and had a great idea "Is she single?" i asked Evie, she frownd a little when i asked "Yeah she is, and shes always sad about it, i try to help her but it never works" i smirked more "Have you ever thought that maybe she could date Dally?" i asked

Her face lit up like the sun "Nope, but i know what im going to try" "And ill help you with it too" and Jacky said she would too, i was not going to loose that bet.

I heard a cabniet from the kitchen open and close, i looked in the kitchen and saw it was Pony, he was drinking chocolate milk. "You finished reading?" i asked he came in to the dining room and sat in the chair next to me with his chocolate milk "Yup, i even read chapter 2" "Well thanks for waiting for me" i said sarcastically.

He smiled and brought me to his lap, i wrapped my arms around his neck and looked at him, i completely forgot that the girls were still there, Evie started getting up from her chair raised her eyebrows and laughed a little so did Jacky, both going back to the circle, and when they left completely we kissed passionately.


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