Family pt.2

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TANGERINES 🍊 how are you guys? Good hope so, but todays chapter will hopefully make the title understandable but, important message, i will be putting a book from this generation in this chapter, called The Fault In Our Star by John Green, im warning the people who dont like fanfics who put stuff from this generation into a 1966 era so just to let you guys now, that is all, READ THAT BOOK!!! and Enjoy!


Remys POV

'475' '476' '478' '479' '480' '481' '482' '483' ' and then my locker '484'. Well lets start this day already, '31-15-41' put my books in there and off to gym i go. I always count the lockers before mine, its a habit, in the girls locker room i also do that but i think you guys get the point. I dont really have much friends in this period except for one, we met in elementary school been friends since, her names Jacky, she has black wavy hair and shes pretty if you ask me, she hasnt had a boyfriend yet and for me to tell her that i have Ponyboy well lets just say shes gonna freak.

"Hey starry" "Hey jackers" "So how you been any news?" I stayed quiet for a minute "Rem?" "Yeah?" "Whats got you thinking" "Nothing its just..." i didnt know what to call Ponyboy, he really isnt my boyfriend but we've kissed so i dont know what to call him. "Is it a guy, huh huh" she said with a smirk, i stayed serious, "Oh my god it is isnt it" "Maybe.." "REALLY! whats his name tell me tell me!" "Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis, you know him?" "Nope but thats an original name" "Yeah i know, i met him in the lot the other day" "Really, is he cute?" I smiled "Yes hes really cute" she smiled and said "Well i wanna meet this Pony kid, when i can meet him?"

"Maybe after school, i dont know" "Ok, well-" PHWEET PHWEET! "Ok girls on the track, today lets run a mile shall we, ready go!" the coach said or rather yelled. Me and jacky began running before we both get yelled at for chatting. We already ran half a mile and we were close to finishing when an o too familiar red hair had just passed me and Jacky. I knew that hair so red 'my names sherri, but they call me cherry for short, cherry my ass' of course thats the pomegranate girl or whatever fruit it was.

I squinted my eyes at the memory of her socs like persona, i guess i looked really mad cause Jacky had noticed "Hey there you ok, you're giving the stink eye at that red haired girl" i snapped out of it and said "Oh sorry...she just doesnt appeal to me that much" "Oh?, and why is that?" "Ill tell you later" and i really want to tell her more about me and Pony and all the shit that has happened to me before i met pony, i just wish i had time to be those friends we use to be in elementary school.

"See you 5th period" "Ok, bye" after 1st period had ended and me and jacky had changed, we went our separate ways. Jacky has 1, 5, 6 and 7th period with me, so i guess she will meet ponyboy and Johnny, whoot!, kinda not really. Well anyway social studies here i come, when i got in the classroom i went to sit in my usual seat, i know it sounds like im new to this school but its just my first day with knowing more people than Jacky.

Johnny walked in the class later on, he went to sit at his seat that was in front of the room while mine was in the middle sorta. I knew he was in my class since the begining of the year but i know him better now, i hope me and his gang get to know more about each other to the point where we can trust each other with stuff. Before he went to sit he waved at me, gladly i waved back.

After Mr.Wright babbled about social studies me and Johnny met outside the classroom, "Hey, Jonnycakes hows school" i asked "Good , you?" "Good" we stayed quiet after that but not for long cause from somewhere came Pony, "Hey pony" "Hey twinkle star" "Ready for english" "Sure, bye Johnnycakes see you later" "Bye" and with that me and pony began walking to english.

When we walked in the classroom, me and pony sat next to each other, in english we didnt have assigned seats, "Ok class today we are going to be reading a new book" and everyone in the class groaned, i didnt i liked reading but only certain books i saw that Pony also didnt groan i guess he likes reading too. I waited for Mrs. Tomas to say the book "We are going to be reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green" it sounded intresting, when we got the books the teacher explained to us that it was a romance kind of book but that it was really good.

I loved romance books they are my favorite genre, so i was pretty excited. After she assighned the book she let us talk, "So what do you think of the book?" Pony asked me "I think it sounds intresting" "Well i think we should read it together you know l-l- like, so we can learn together?" pony stamered i smiled "I would love to pony it's gonna be fun" he smiled and then grabbed my hand in his "Good- " he was about to say something else when the bell rang and it was time for 4th period.

When me and Pony walked out of the class Johnnycakes was already waiting for me outside, we had technology next "Bye pony see later" "Bye twinkle star" i smiled and turned to Johnny who was next to me "Hey Johnnycakes, how was 3rd period" "Good" he said staring off to somewhere else. I followed his eyes and saw threw a crowd of people and a girl unlocking her locker. She had black wav- hold up thats JACKY "YOU LIKE JACKY!" Johnny blushed and turned the other way with out another word.

I cant belive that Johnny like Jacky i think they would look cute together, im going to try and make things clear with Johnnt before i go off making conclusions, "Johnny, do you like Jacky?" "Maybe.." he said in a low voice, i smiled and said "Is not something bad Johnny but i think you should tell her" "NO!.. i cant" he said i was kinda surpriesed that he yelled but i guess he really doesnt want Jacky to know about his crush on her. "I promise i wont tell her anything ok Johnnycakes" i held my pinky out for him and i pinky promised him i wouldnt.

After technology i went to math and i had Jacky in that class, but i promised i wasnt going to tell her anything about Johnnys crush so i wont but i hope 7th period Johnny doesnt get caught starring at Jacky. "Hey jackers" "Hey Stary" and then we sat next to each other. Mrs. clare had told us to solve some math problems with a partner and me and Jacky were working or at least i was trying to, Jacky kept day dreaming about stuff and didnt put attencion.

"Jacky, concentrate" "Huh oh right" "What are you thinking about anyway?" "Nothing" "Oh its has to be something" "Well i kind of sortalikethisguybuthedoesntknowsoyeahthatsit" she said really fast "What launguage is that, i couldnt even understand one word after of" "Well i like this guys and hes in my 3rd period clas, but he doesnt like me" "Whats his name?" i asked while trying to at leats read the first problem on this page.

"Johnny" i stared at her with wide eyes and my mouth open, HE LIKES YOU TOO i wanted to scream but i couldnt so i bit my tounge and looked at the math sheet and did my work ignoring every question that Jacky asked me through out the period. Finally lunch was next stood up and waited for Jacky to get her books ready, she still looked at me with a strange look but i just grabbed her arm and dragged to her locker to put her books in and then mine and with no words comming out of my mouth we went to the cafetarie.

When me and Jacky entered the cafetaria, i heard my name being called i looked everywhere but i didnt see anybody and then i found that Pony was the one caling me with Johnny by his side. I was happy but then i remembered that Jacky was at my side and Johnny was with Pony, so a lot of blushing might go on between them. I went to sit with them and Jacky followed "Hey twinkle star" "Hey Pony... um this Jacky my friend, Jacky, Pony, Pony, Jacky, she barley whispered a Hi to him, she was to busy blushing off about Johnny being by his side.


Okkie dokkie so theres part 2 of family? again only part 2 so meaning there will be a part 3 and then hopefully i will finish with family? so yup hope you TANGERINES🍊 enjoyed it REALLY LONG CHAPTER and vote, read or comment PINEAPPLES🍍

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