The cabin and lake

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Hello my wonderful TANGERINES 🍊 i hope you guys are having a good day and like this chapter alrighty



3rd POV

All the gang woke up extra early for the eventful day that they have ahead of them, even Dally did. Two-bit was the first one done, since he didnt have much to pack, he was already watching that mouse on tv with his bag next to him.

Soon all the gang was in the living room except for Soda who was taking the longest out of everybody. "Are you done!?" yelled the gang.

"Ok! im done now" "Finally!" yelled the gang, Dally had borrowed bucks car for the 2 weeks, and then there was Darrys pick up truck.

Darry, Remy, Pony, Johnny, Jacky and Soda went into Darrys truck and Dally, Two-bit, Alyssa, Steve and Evie went into Bucks car. There wasnt much room in Darrys truck so Jacky had to sit on Johnnys lap, not that they minded.

Jeffery was on Remys lap and Remy's head on Ponys chest, now to start the long drive.


Johnnys POV

Im happy to be spending this summer with the gang and my girl. I squeezed Jackys hand, her head was on my shoulder with her back to my chest, she smiled at me and pecked my cheek.

"You missed" i said smirking, "Oh really cause i think I didn't" "Oh no but you did princess" she smiled and kissed me. Soda, Darry were in their conversation, Remy and Pone were too so everyone was busy with their own conversation.

"This is gonna be fun" Jacky said excitedly, i smiled. The radio was on in the car but everyone was too busy talking that they weren't listening.

The song was "Put Your Head On My Shoulder" by Paul Anka, Jacky and me were the only ones listening. Jacky was starring at my eyes deeply and i was too.

Then she smiled wide and started lip syncing to the song, i laughed lightly and joined along with her. She did have her head on my shoulder and kept it there.

By the time the song ended we both drifted off to a nap with a smile on our lips.


Alyssas POV

"What did the grape say when it got stepped on!" asked Two-bit of course nobody answered him, because by now everybody was just annoyed by him.

"Nothing! but he did let out a little whine!" and then he staring laughing, i couldn't help but giggle a little.

"What you laughing about Alyssa?" said Dally who i was sitting next to in the front with a smirk on his face, "Nothing Winston" i said smirking.

Two-bit and Steve were talking and Evie fell asleep, now it was just me and Dally. "So Alyssa, tell me about yourself?" i gave him a 'are you serious face' i was surprised he cared enough to want to know something about me other than my name.

"Really?" "Yup" "Well what do you want to know?" "I dont know just say anything about yourself" "Ok...well my favorite color is red and black" he nodded.

"Have you ever gotten laid?" i smirked of course Dallas Winston would ask me that "Yeah" he raised an eyebrow "Really now?" "Yup, but dont think you'll be getting lucky" he chuckled "We'll see" he said with a smirk.

"No! we wont!" I said but he continued with that smirk of his on his face. I guess Darry decided to take a pit stop and just take a break.

When we got there, some of the gang got food, went to the bathroom or sat down and had a snack.

But after a while we continued back on the road to the cabin.


3rd POV

The gang had made it the cabin after 2 hrs but while they were getting there it started raining, not letting the gang go to the lake.

The cabin arrangements were the same as the car arrangements ( that cabin picture is just one of cabins, theres 2).

Everyone started unpacking and just stayed in the cabins because of the rainy day, hoping tomorrow will be sunny.

Alrighty there you go my TANGERINES 🍊 i hope you liked it and comment, vote or just read but PINEAPPLES 🍍

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