Do We Have Love?(ponyboy fanfic)

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Ok guys this is my new fanfic im new at writing so please dont judge but if you liked it please leave a nice comment and btw this is going to be a Ponyboy fanfic and yes i love The Outsiders but i dont own any of the outsiders or any of the characters and i dont own Remy either shes from a book from Sarah Dessen and if you haven't read her than you should and Remy is from the book This Lullaby ok so carry on...


Remy's POV

Im tired of it, tired of all the yelling and constant hitting and fighting. "GET OUT AND NEVER COME BACK YOU WORTHLESS SLUT" yelled my dad as i was leaving from all the disaster that once was "home" but is now just hell with the father i have now.

This all started out when my mother died of illness a year ago. We use to be the wonderful family that looked so happy together like the ones you see playing around in the park. But all that stopped when my mom wasn't feeling so good and what just started as a cold had never left and just gotten worse.

My dad had taken this really bad not saying that i didn't care about my mom but my dad had taken it worse than me. He started drinking more and was never in the house after her death, said it reminded him more of her. I of course took it bad but you just don't stop living because you lose someone, you have to carry on thats how i thought about all this mess but you know i still miss her and wished that we could be that family that we use to be.

Things started getting worse with his drinking, one day he came home at midnight drunk as hell, he came stumbling up the stairs falling sometimes and came to my room and started yelling at me "Get up you whore" he said i just looked at him confused and hurt but he didn't give a dam he just started yelling at me more and the next morning i woke up with a lot of bruises all over my body.

That was the first time i got hit and yelled at from my dad, i think i toughed up a bit from all the yelling but not too much. I didn't believe in the things he said cause i know that he's just suffering from her death, i wish that we can help each other out i mean we are suffering from the same pain but i guess he wants to take matters in his hands by just covering it up with alcohol.

Now i was running away from him i couldn't take it anymore things got out of hand with him and had just gotten worse to the point that he threaten me with his blade, i know thats not the worst he could do but i wasn't going to wait around and see his worse. Tears were running down my cheeks while i was walking around deciding on going to the lot i know its not the safest place to go because of all the soc but i really didn't care right now i was more worried of where I'm going and what I'm going to do with myself.

When i got to the lot i just broke down and let it all out, until i saw two boys walking by talking and i don't think they noticed me which i think is good but one boy caught my eye. I felt like i've seen him before....ohhh yeah i go to school with him i think his name was Ponyboy yup thats his name but he didn't really talk much only when he needed to, and the boy walking with him was Johnny Cade iv'e seen him around with Ponyboy he's pretty quiet most of the time. By the time they got closer to me they had noticed me, i wanted to run at that moment but i couldn't they began running to me concerned obviously seeing a girl just crying there in the lot. I began thinking, i wonder whats going to happen now?


Ok guys that was my first chapter of hopefully many and i hope you guys like it and vote on it and comment on it if i get any votes, comments or even any reads than ill update 👍

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