Chapter 2

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I got home later that day.

"Y/NNNNN!!!" I heard my aunt scream.
I sighed to myself, I knew what was coming next.

"Yes aunt?" I replied.

Next thing I knew, I was on the floor. She had punched me.

"What have I told you about making me food at lunch!!"

"I was at school!" I said, trying not to shout.
"I don't care. Make me food now you worthless piece of garbage."

I winced in pain as I got up. I had a black eye and multiple cuts on my face.

Later that night, my phone buzzed.

RM- Hey Y/N. We was wondering if you would like to hang out with us tomorrow?

Of course! Where are we going?

RM- We're gonna hang out at our place, the address is *address*. See you tomorrow!

I smiled to myself. I had finally made some new friends.
I slowly drifted off to sleep.

———The Next Day———

I woke up at around 7 am.
I wanted to make myself look presentable for today. I decided to put on some makeup to cover up the bruisings my aunt had left the previous night.

I arrived at BTS' house. It was beautiful. They must be rich.

"Wassup Y/N!" I was greeted by Suga.
"Hey" I replied.

"The boys are still asleep. Please make yourself at home."

I sat quietly on the couch. Suddenly, a very sleepy Jimin walked into the living room.

"WHO THE HELL WAS KNOCKING SO—— oh, good morning Y/N!" He beamed.

"Good Morning Jimin." I smiled.

The members then entered one by one.

I helped Suga cook the boys some breakfast.

"Don't think you can hide that from me."
Suga whispered.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

He points towards the bruises and cuts on my face.

"Oh it's nothing, I ran into the door."

"Don't lie to me Y/N. Please tell me what happened."

The next thing I knew, I was in Suga's arms in tears. I explained everything to him, from how my parents died to my abusive aunt. He gave me a big hug.

"What the hell is going on here?!" A voice said.


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