Chapter 24

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It's been an exhausting week for me. I've been getting a lot of headaches too, probably because I'm tired. Unfortunately, I haven't been in contact with any of the boys.
I've been writing new songs as well as creating the choreography.
I'm due to fly back to Korea today. My flight is in an hour.
I decided to scroll through my fanpages. I really adore my fans. They've supported me since the beginning of my debut.

It was time for me to leave for the airport. I got in the car and my driver started driving towards the airport. It was a 30 minute drive from the hotel I was staying in.

I put my earphones in and listened to Crown by TXT.
(Actually listening to this song rn!)
I love this song, it's so upbeat and makes me happy.
Beomgyu started to sing and all of a sudden my head started to hurt again. Some weird type of flashbacks started flooding through my head. There was a boy singing, I couldn't see his face. Who was he?

I boarded the plane and listened to songs by BTS. Listening to their songs made me realize just how much I miss them. They really helped me through my darkest times. They gave me a strong friendship. They showed just how much they cared.

My eyes started to feel really heavy. I closed them and started drifting off to sleep.
I was in a park with a boy. It was summer time and we were eating ice cream. I recognize this place!
Mum and Dad used to take me here when I was younger, before they passed away. Why am I dreaming about this place? It's been ages since I've thought about it.
The same boy from my strange flashbacks earlier was in my dream. Why do I keep thinking about him?
He looked really familiar. He was singing again. His voice sounds so familiar! Where have I heard that voice before?

The boy turned around and faced me.
"Y/N, I promise I'll come back for you, no matter what it takes." He says, tears threatening to fall.
I give him a questioning look.
Who is this boy? Why does he keep appearing?
He walks towards a fancy car, with a man in a suit waiting for him. Who is that man? I don't recognize him.
The boy turns to me, embracing me in a hug. "I promise, I'll come back and protect you someday." He says before getting in the car.

Who is this boy?


Oooo big plot twist!!
Don't worry darlings, all will make sense at some point!


You Changed Me {BTS X READER X TXT}Where stories live. Discover now