Chapter 4

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Jimin explained to all the boys what was happening.
They all hugged me.
I decided to take up the offer on moving in with them.

The only problem was, I would have to go home and pack all my things.
Jimin and Suga insisted on coming with me.

We got to my house. I told them to wait outside.
"And where the fuck do you think your going?" My aunt questioned.

"I'm moving out." I say.

Suddenly she pushes me to the floor and kicks me in the stomach. I groan in pain.
She kicks me in the face. I can feel the blood dripping down.
I was expecting another kick which never came.
I open my eyes to see Suga holding my aunt back and Jimin on the phone to the emergency services.

My eyes start to blur.

"Y/N! Y/N Can you hear me?!" Is all I hear before blacking out on the cold floor.

I wake up in the hospital. What am I doing here?

"Hyung she's awake." I hear Suga say.

I look up to see a lifeless Jimin. His eyes are red and puffy. He'd been crying.
His face was pale.

"Jimin are you okay?!" I say as I jump out of the hospital bed.

"Y/N! Get back in bed you shouldn't be getting up." Jimin says.

"What happened?" I ask the boys as they both exchange looks.

"Your aunt attacked you." Suga says.
"I held her back. You were beaten badly. You passed out and lost alot of blood."

I didn't know what to say. The boys had to witness all that.

"Don't worry Y/N, your aunt is locked up. She can't hurt you anymore."

Those words relieved me. I didn't have to worry about being hurt anymore.

I didn't have to worry each night that it could be my last night. I was free.

The boys saved me.

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