Chapter 27

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---Y/N's POV---

"Mum? Dad?" I say, tears beginning to fall.

My father looks up at me, stepping away fro my mother. "Y/N, darling. We miss you."

He gives me a warm, apologetic smile.

Tears started streaming down my face.

"i=I can't believe it's you." I say, barely above a whisper.

My mother hugs me and whispers in my ear, "Y/N, we want you to know that we love you and miss you very much." She gives me a light kiss on my forehead. "But for now, sweetie. You need to wake up. It's not your time yet."

I stand there, shocked. My mother and father are right in front of my eyes.

"You need to wake up darling." My mother says, guiding me out the front door with the boy. Everything then goes white.

I saw my mum and dad!

Why can I hear shouting?

---Yeonjun's POV---

It's been hours. Y/N still hasn't woken up. My eyes are all puffy and swollen. I miss her.

J-Hope hyung keeps blaming himself, it wasn't his fault.

Everyone went back to the dorm to try and get some rest. I'm the only one who stayed, I couldn't leave her. I held her hand tightly and stared at her bruised face. She's still beautiful. I hated seeing her in this state.

--a few hours later--

A woman entered Y/N's room.

"Excuse me, I think you have the wrong room." I say and the woman glares at me.

"I'm her aunt. And you are?" The woman said. Didn't her aunt abuse her?

"You need to leave." I say, gesturing for her to leave.

Thank god! Beomgyu's here!

---Beomgyu's POV---

I couldn't sleep. I was so worried about Y/N. I thought it'd be best if I went back to the hosputal to keep Yeonjun hyung company.

As I walk into the room, I notice a familiar figure standing there. Yeonjun looked worried.
I walk towards the figure.

"Ahh, hello Beomgyu. It's about time!" The figure says.


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