Chapter 23

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I miss the guys.
I'm backstage, ready to perform for my comeback

"Y/N, your on in 2!" I hear my manager shout.

I stand behind the curtains, looking at the crowd. There's a lot of people here. I look across the stage to see a group on the other side.
Hold on.
That's not-omg!

"YEONJUN?!" I shout across the stage. He turns around.
He locks eyes with me and smiles. I run round to the other side of the stage and jump into his arms.
Before I managed to speak to him, I was called onto thr stage.
I walk away. I turn around to look at him before I went on, he gave me a big smile and thumbs up.

My heart was beating so fast. I adjusted my headpiece so that it was in the correct position before standing in my starting pose.

---Beomgyu's POV---
I'm so proud of my noona. She looks amazing up on stage. It was so nice seeing her again. Yeonjun hyung seems a lot happier now that Y/N is back in our lives.

I know that Yeonjun hyung likes Y/N. I saw the marks they both had, the night we were drinking.
He doesn't know I saw them. Maybe I should talk to him about it later...

---HueningKai's POV---
She looks amazing on stage! I remember the first time we performed. I feel so happy having Y/N back in my life. She was one of the first people I met back in school.
She's come so far in life.

---Yeonjun's POV---
I'm so proud of her. Watching her on stage made my heart race. She's come this far, she's gonna achieve bigger things.
I have something important to talk to her about, but it can wait until she comes back to Korea.

---Y/N's POV---
I get back to my dressing room. I'm absolutely exhausted. My phone suddenly rings...

"Y/NNNNNNN!" I hear voices shout down the phone. I recognize those voices instantly.

"Y/N, my angelllll, how are you? Your performance was amazing!" J-Hope says.
"I was so nervous! It was so scary. I did it though! I am so proud of myself."
I say.

The boys couldn't talk for long due to their busy schedule.

"Goodbye guys!" I say and hang up the phone.

I decide to walk backstage and watch TXT perform.
The way Yeonjun moves his body is amazing.

The boys perform so well together.  Their vocals are amazing too.

Yeonjun locked eyes with me during their performance. He was smiling like crazy.

My heart started to race again.

Yeonjun, you drive me crazy.

Sorry darlings, quite a boring chapter. However, when I hit 400 views, I'll release the next chapter. Be prepared, it's gonna get crazy!!!

Love ya


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