Chapter 26

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---Namjoon's POV---
After what my manager had said to me, I hung up the phone instantly. I rushed back to the dorm as quick as my legs would take me to get the others.
"Y/N and J-Hope have been in a car accident! We need to get to the hospital now!" I shout to the others before running as fast as I could to the van, the others following quickly behind me.

Everyone got in and I started the van. I drove towards the hospital as fast as possible.
"Hyung! Slow down!" I hear Jimin say from behind me.
"We need to get there quickly! Their lives could be in danger!" I say to Jimin.
I'm so worried for them both. Nobody knows what state their in. We need to find out.

---Yeonjun's POV---
After hearing what Namjoon shouted. I felt sick. I cannot lose Y/N. She means everything to me! I haven't even told her how I feel!
I'm so worried for both of them. They're both strong individuals. They can pull through!

They have to...

---Beomgyu's POV---
You can pull through.
Your such a strong girl. I know you can do this. You have so much ahead of you.

Keep fighting.

---J-Hope's POV---
I can't believe what just happened.

I feel so guilty. They won't allow me to see Y/N just yet.
I feel so anxious. I don't know how she is. This is all my fault, I was the one driving after all.
The nurses have told me that I have a slight concussion as well as some cuts and bruises.

I spoke to a police officer about the incident. They came to take my statement. I was told that a drunk driver was on the wrong side of the road.

I should have been looking where I was going.
I'm so sorry, Y/N.

---Y/N's POV---
I see a white light...
Where am I? What happened? Why am I here?
All of a sudden, I'm sat on a bed. I look around. This place looks familiar. I soon realize that I'm in my childhood bedroom. That boy is here again.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

He turns around, I take the chance to study his facial features. He looks so familiar. I know I recognize him, but I can't seem to remember where I've seen him.

Suddenly, he speaks. "Y/N, all will make sense eventually. I promise you that. But for now, you need to pull through."
He then leads me out of my bedroom.

It takes me a moment to realize that I'm in my childhood home. I walk down the stairs and study the photos that are framed on the walls. I walk into the living room and study some more photos.

The boy appears in the photos, as well as me as a child.
Who is he?

I walk into the kitchen to see something shocking...

"Mum? Dad?"

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