Chapter 21

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I feel his stare. How am I gonna explain this?

"Jin, please don't tell anyone." I sad, worried that everyone'll find out. It will cause chaos for the company.

"Y/N. You need to realize your true feelings. Suga, Jimin or Yeonjun?" He says and I stare into space.

He has a point. Who do I choose?

As I was going to answer, I recieved a call from my manager.

I have to go back to America, ready for my debut.
How am I gonna tell the boys? They'll be heartbroken.

"Jin, can you help me cover these up before the rest of the group see?" I say as Yeonjun walks in. I give him a reassuring smile.
"Same for me." He asks.

---a few hours later---
Jin helped me cover up my hickeys with makeup before everyone else woke up, same for Yeonjun.
Strangely, I don't feel awkward at all after what happened between me and Yeonjun.

"Guys, do you wanna stay again tonight?" I ask. They all smile and nod.
"Awh, don't wanna get rid of us?" Taehyung says, causing Jungkook to giggle.

"About that..." I say and everyone turns their heads towards me.
"I'm leaving for America tomorrow. I have to get ready for my debut." I say, sadly.

The boys have blank expressions.
"Movie night!" Soobin shouts which causes everyone to laugh, breaking the silence. 

We go to the shop and buy loads of snacks and drinks. We're gonna make this a good night. We don't know when we'll next see each other.

BigHit haven't arranged a dorm for me yet, so from next week I'll be moving into a temporary place in the building.

We all sit together, Yeonjun making sure he sits next to me.
"Hey Y/N. I'm really gonna miss you." Yeonjun whispers, taking my hand and intertwining it with his.
I look at him softly, admiring his face. He starts to lean in again. I would've kissed him back in a heartbeat, but all the boys were still awake and would definitely catch us.
"Later?" He whispers and I partially nod.

"Hey Y/N. What's your debut like?" Beomgyu asks.

"You'll have to wait until it comes out!" I reply, creating suspense.
They all roll their eyes at me before gazing back at the TV. 

We ordered pizza and messed around. I love these guys. They've done so much for me. I can't imagine where I'd be without these boys. They mean the absolute world to me.
I looked at each of the boys individually. They all look so happy. It's nice for us all to be back together again. I don't want to leave them anymore.
It got late, the boys all fell asleep, apart from Yeonjun.

I walk into my bedroom because it was getting too hot in the living room. I hear footsteps. I turn around to see Yeonjun standing at my door.

---Yeonjun's POV---
Y/N is so beautiful.
As much as I wanted to carry on last night, it wouldn't be right. I wanted to make the moment last.
I really like her. I couldn't stop thinking about her when we moved away.
She got up and walked into her bedroom. Should I follow her?
Now's my chance!

---Y/N's Pov---
I see Yeonjun walking over to me. He slides in bed next to me and pulls me close to him.
"I'm really gonna miss you Y/N..." He says.

I turn to face him. "I'm gonna miss you too."

I softly hold his cheeks as I pull him in for a kiss. Our lips move in sync. I feel his tongue sliding against my bottom lip.

I decided to tease him and ignore it.
He pulls me on top of him and sits up so that I'm straddling his lap.

I still wouldn't let his tongue in, I'm gonna keep teasing.
Before I knew it, he had grabbed hold of my ass, making me moan. That gave him the chance to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues started battling for dominace.
I pulled his top off and chucked it across the room. I felt him pull my top down, leaving my breasts exposed. He pulled away to look at me.

"Your beautiful." He smiles before smashing his lips back onto mine.
He starts to kiss my jaw, making me let out a soft moan. He then began to suck at my collarbone and breasts.

Do I hear footsteps?
I quickly pulled my top back on and jumped off Yeonjun.
Jimin soon enters my room.

"Hey Jimin, I thought you were sleeping?" I ask and he walks over to me and grabs my hand.
"Can I talk to you for a second please?"
He asks and I nod.
As we walked into the kitchen, I glanced at the clock. 4AM? My flight is at 7AM! I need to leave soon.

"Listen Y/N. I'm really sorry for everything that ever happened between us. I'd like you to know that I've found a girl that I really liked. She makes me happy."

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