Chapter 18

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---1 YEAR LATER---

---Y/N's POV---

It turns out, I was sent to america to train. I miss the boys every single day. I hope to meet them again in the future. 

I'm soon debuting. I'm nervous about it. 

My manager has arranged for every trainee in the company to meet for a photoshoot. I'm actually very nervous as I've never met any of the other members. I change into a white top and some black high waisted skinny jeans. I'm so nervous.

I get my makeup and hair done by the staff before making my way to the shoot. I recently dyed my hair pastel pink, thought about going for a change.

I see 2 vans. 

Bangtan Soynendan? 

Tomorrow X Together?

I guess they're two groups from the same company. I hope I get along with everyone. I walk onto the set and see staff running around everywhere. 

I sit down on a chair in the corner and look at my phone. 

"Excuse me miss, we're needed on set." I hear a voice say.


I recognize that voice...

I look up to see Yeonjun. His hair is still blue.

"Oh my god... Yeonjun?!" I shout excitedly. 

"How do you know my- Y/N?!" He shouts with a smile on his face. We both give each other a hug. 

"Do the others know your here?" He questions and I shake my head. 

"Let's pull a prank!" Yeonjun suggests. 

"Okay here's what we'll do... I'll go and sit in a chair and you can pretend to be one of the staff but wear a mask to cover your mouth and nose. When the other 11 come over, you turn around and see how long it takes them to recognize you!" He says happily. 

"Sounds like a plan!" I say and we hurry over. 

I put the mask on and start pretending to style Yeonjun's hair. 

"The boys are coming." He whispers.

"Excuse me, we need Yeonjun on set." A familiar voice says. I turn around and see Taehyun. 

I look at all of them and Yeonjun is trying to hold in his laughter.

They all look at me, confused. 

---Jimin's POV---

I recognize those eyes from somewhere...

---Suga's POV---

That looks like... no. It can't be...

---Beomgyu's POV---

She kinda looks like my noona...

---Yeonjun's POV---

Their faces! They all look so confused!

---Y/N's POV---

"Excuse me, can you take off your mask?" I hear Soobin say. 

I face away from them whilst I take my mask off. 

I turn around and all I hear is...


I can't help but laugh before pulling them all into a group hug.

"Y/N! It's really you!" Jimin beams.

I missed Jimin the most. I lock eyes with him and jump into his arms. He's surprised at first but then hugs me back tightly. 


After the photoshoot, I invite them all back to my place for a party. We haven't seen each other in over a year so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to catch up. 

We buy loads of alcohol (AN: Jin gets it as he's the eldest and isn't underage), snacks and head back to my place. 

We start playing music really loud. 

How will this party end? ...

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