Chapter 17

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---Y/N's POV---
What are those sounds?
Where am I?
I can hear faint voices. What's going on?

---Jimin's POV---
The doctors have told me that Y/N is in shock. They have put her into a coma to moniter her. They will wake her up today.
It's been a week since the incident on the roof top.
I've barley slept. The boys had to physically get me out of the hospital, I didn't wanna leave her side.

I'm so worried about her. I never meant for any of this to happen.

I'm sorry, Y/N.

---Suga's POV---
I can't believe what happened. I feel so guilty, I'm so sorry Y/N.
Jimin is so hurt. He hasn't been himself. He won't eat, he won't sleep. He's extremely worried about you.

Keep fighting, Y/N.

---a few hours later---
---Y/N's POV---
I woke up to a bright, white light. Where am I?
My vision slowly got clearer and I realized I was in a hospital room.
Why am I here?
Memories started flooding back to me and I rememberd what happened on the rooftop and in the studio. My eyes started to water.
I went to the bathroom and I had bloodshot, puffy eyes.
I splash my face with water and brush my teeth before going back to my room. I walk in and find all of the boys, including Beomgyu and his friends.

Jimin comes running towards me and hugs me tightly. I instantly hug him back.
The rest of the boys join in and it turns into one big group hug.

"The nurse said you can come home now, Y/N." Jin says, breaking the silence.
Everyone helps me to the van.
"Guys, I'm fine." I say.
All 12 boys seem really sad.
"Y/N. We all need to tell you something." Namjoon says.

---Namjoon's POV---
I had a call. I didn't recognize the number.

"Hello is this Kim Namjoon?"
"Yes. Who is this?"
"I'm calling from BigHit Entertainment, we need to move you closer to the company, you leavs tomorrow."
After that, he hung up.Soobin had the same call, they're becoming trainees.
What about Y/N?

---Y/N's POV---
They're all leaving?
I suddenly broke down. I head straight to my room.
I locked myself away from everyone. I couldn't stand saying goodbye. They're all leaving me.
Suddenly, my phone rings.
"Hello is this L/N Y/N?"
"Yes, who is this?"
"This is BigHit Entertainment. We've received a video of you singing and dancing. We'd like to take you on as a trainee."
Oh my god.
How did they get the video?
"Please pack your bags. You'll leave next week. Please do not tell anyone about this."
The call then ended. I can't belive this. I'm going to be a trainee?

---the next morning---
The boys all said their goodbyes. They all cried. It was heartbreaking to see them go. I'm gonna miss them.

I can't believe I'm going to be a trainee for BigHit. This is so exciting.

I'm gonna miss the boys.

What if we never meet again?

I couldn't even tell them what company I'm at.

I waved them off as they drove away. I'm gonna miss every single one of them.

I wouldn't even be able to speak to them, they had to delete my number.

I hope we meet again someday...

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