Chapter 14

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"What do you mean?" I ask him.

Why was he worried about me?

"You got home late. Where were you?" He asks.

"Jimin I don't understand you. You're giving me mixed signals. What is going on?" I ask him, my voice getting louder.

"Oh my god, Y/N. Can't you just answer a simple question?" He shouts.

I look at him. He was giving me such a cold stare.

"Are you serious?" I ask him. "You have the cheek to ask me where I've been when you've been acting like you don't wanna know me?"

"Just answer the goddamn question!" He shouts, startling me.

"Stay away from me!" I shout. I turn around and punch the wall, my hand starts pouring with blood.

"What's going on? Oh my god! What happened to your hand?" Suga asks as he comes bursting into the room.

"I just asked her a simple question, hyung. She's making such a big deal out of it!" Jimin says, pointing towards me. 

"Don't try and blame me!" I shouted back before being dragged away by Suga. 

Suga woke up Jin and Taehyung to help clean my wound.

Jungkook and J-Hope went to calm Jimin down and Namjoon was still asleep. 

"Y/N? Tell us what happend." Taehyung says, giving me a reassuring look. 

I explained everything to Taehyung and Jin. 

"What's caused him to act like this?" Jin asks. 

I told them about Yeonjun.

"He's jealous." Taehyung whispers.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing Y/N!" Jin says before closing the first aid kit and putting it back. 

"Y/N, do you want to sleep in my room tonight?" Suga asks.

I nod in reply before heading to his room with him.

"Don't worry about Jimin, he's being an idiot." He says before pulling the blanket over both of us.

What did Taehyung mean about Jimin being jealous?

Taehyung's words kept replaying in my head.

---Suga's POV---

What is Jimin doing to her? What's his problem? 

I pull Y/N close to me.

My heart begins to race. 

I really like this girl.

---Jimin's POV---

I feel terrible. What have I done?
I leave my room to go and apologize to her. Where is she?

I'll ask Suga hyung.

However, when I walk into his room, I see him and Y/N cuddled up.

Have I already lost?

I go down to the dance studio to release some emotions. I go to record myself dancing but I find something on the camera. 

A video of Y/N dancing. To the song she wrote.

I watch the video carefully, admiring her every move.

She really is something special.

---The Next Morning---

---Y/N's POV---

I woke up to a strange room. Where am I? 

My hand starts to hurt which causes me to remember what happened last night.

I walk out of the room to find the boys sat at the table for breakfast.

"Good morning, Y/N." Taehyung says, giving me his adorable box smile. That smile. 

The rest of the boys wave and smile, except from Jimin.

We all eat breakfast together.

"How's your hand?" Suga asks me before glaring at Jimin.

"It's fine." I say before I carry on eating.

To be Continued...

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