Chapter 15

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--Y/N's POV--

I walk into school and I'm greeted by Yeonjun and his friends.

"Hey Y/N!" Yeonjun says, giving me a hug. I greet him back.

They boys didn't like being crowded by the girls so they asked if they could sit with me at lunch. I agreed.


"Hey guys!" I say as I walk over.
We're all sat eating lunch when Yeonjun and the boys come over.
"Hey Y/N!" Yeonjun says. Giving me a hug like he did this morning.

The boys all introduce themselves to each other. Taehyun and Jungkook get along really well.
Jimin is very ignorant towards Yeonjun.

"What are your hobbies?" Namjoon asks Yeonjun in English however Namjoon was very shocked when he replied in English.
"I enjoy singing and dancing." He says, making the rest of the boys give him a strange look.
I also decide to join in.
"Yeonjun took me to his studio." I say to Namjoon, in English.
The rest of the group stare at me.

"Y/N you speak English?" Jin asks.
I nod in reply.
"English Speaku time!" J-Hope beams.
"No Hyung!"Jimin shouts to J-Hope.
"Oh Jimin very no fun!" He says and we all laugh.

Should I show the boys my song and dance?
I could sing it live for them.
I finally have the confidence to.

"Hey guys, meet me in the studio after lunch, okay?" I say and they all look confused.

---After Lunch---
The boys all walk into the studio and see me with my ear piece and headset on.
They all look confused.
"Y/N, what's going on?" Jungkook asks.

The song starts playing and I sing. I start the dance and they all stare at me with their mouths open, apart from Yeonjun. He had a smile on his face.

Soon, the song finshes and I stand still waiting for their reactions.
"OH MY GOD!" Jungkook shouts.
"That was amazing!" Jin and J-Hope shout in unison.
The rest of the boys cheer and clap.
Jimin looks at me with lust in his eyes.

The boys all leave for class, apart from Suga.
"Oh hey Oppa, shouldn't you get to class?" I say and he walks over to me. He stands very close to me. I look into his eyes and he leans in. I find myself leaning in too but before I could say anything to stop it, someone beat me to it.
"Stop!" Jimin shouts as he runs in.

"What now?" I ask him, still angry for last night.
"Hyung, what are you doing?" Jimin asks Suga.
"It doesn't concern you." He replies coldly.

"What is going on?!" I shout at them both. They've been acting so strange lately and it's stressing me out.
They both look at me blankly.

"I like you!" They both say at the same time before glaring at each other.

"What, you think this is a competition? I'm not some prize to be won!" I say before leaving the room, not realizing everyone heard.

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