Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV~

The guys come running down the hall. They take one look at Y/N.
"What happened to her?!" Jin shouted.

Jungkook had his head down with his eyes watering.

"We have to take her to the hospital!" Namjoon shouted.

I can't lose you now Y/N....

----at the hospital----

Y/N's POV-

I wake up to a white room.
What happened?
I look over to see Jimin asleep. He had dried tears on his face and he had his hand in mine.

"Y/N? Am I dreaming?" Jimin said.

"Jimin what happened?" I asked.

"Hyejin and her followers beat you up. How are you feeling?" He says softly.
"I feel fine. Can I go home?" I reply.

A few hours later I was discharged from the hospital.
I got home and wore a white vest top and some black tracksuit bottoms.

"Y/N what are they on your arms?" Jimin asks, which makes me jump.

He pulls my arm towards him and looks closely at all the scars.

"What did you do to yourself?" He whispers.

I explained everything to him. How I was bullied, how my parents died. He pulled me into his arms and sobbed silently.

"Your safe now." He whispers softly.

I woke up and checked the time, 2AM?

I had a nightmare. I dreamt about my aunt. I burst out into tears. I felt so alone.

(Please skip if self harm triggers you).

I ran to the bathroom and took my razor. I sliced my arm. Thr pain soothed me. It made me feel calm. I carried on until the blood was too much.

I stared at my arm. I watched the blood drip out. It went all over the bathroom floor. I heard knocking on the door.

"Y/N ARE YOU IN THERE?" I heard a shout.
I smiled to myself.
Next thing I knew, I heard a bang and the bathroom door came crashing down.

I was carried into the living room as tears ran down my face.

"What have you done?" The voice said.

I looked towards where the sound came from.

Suga oppa?

"I'm sorry". I said.

I told Suga about my nightmare and why I felt this way. He cleaned my cuts and bandaged up my arms.

I fell asleep in his arms, snuggled into his neck. I felt safe.

---the next morning---

I woke up, I was still in Suga's arms. I closed my eyes again, not wanting to get up after remembering the events of last night.
I heard someone clear their throat.
"Oh, good morning Jimin." I said.

"What happened to your arms?!" He shouted, waking Suga up.

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