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When I realize what just happened I feel embarrassed, angry and very upset with the people here already. I am relieved when I look up and see a sign that says 'Collect key's'. I head towards the office and the old lady looks at me trough her bright pink glasses,

"Can I help you miss?" She ask, her voice is kind of creepy.

"Yes please, I am one of the new student's here and I am staying in room 4, I just came to get my room key's." 

"Oh okay dear, just sign here and I will give them to you." I sign and she gives me a brown-silver key, I thank her and head back to my room. When I reach the hall where my room is at, bright blue eyes are staring at me, 

"Where have you been? It's been 20 minutes, I look like a fool standing here and your taking your bloody time!" My mother is red with anger.

"I am sorry,  just I didn't know where the offices were and when I asked for help, these girls,   they ..."

"I don't want to hear it Belledie, just open the door and we can both be on our way!" She is practically begging for me to tell her she should go, when I open the door I am excited to see the one side of the room is decorated with pink and green aliens, this is gonna be fun!

I walk my mother to her car,

"Bye mom, have a safe trip, I love you." I greet and wave her off. Finally, I am alone.
Time to meet my roomie, I hope she's not a psycho like they always are in the movies.
When I reach my room, the door is open. My roommate must be in there by now, it's already 7:30pm.

The pink and green bed covers are on the floor, our window is open wide and there is a smell of smoke and old bananas in the room. I close the door and pick up the covers from the ground to put it on her bed, the room is empty, just me in it. I don't know what to think, and I could have sworn I locked my door when I left with my mother.

I try to push what just happened to the back of my mind so that I can unpack and get ready for bed. I open my closet and a square white paper with writing on it falls to the floor. I retrieve it and it says, 'Welcome to NWU!'

Thats nice, they welcome new students in a different way though. I turn the paper around to see if anything else is written on it.

 What ?

There is a photo of me and my mother entering the room about an hour ago. My mind is racing and I have no idea what to think, all i keep thinking is that I'm probably going to get killed tonight! The door flies open and I jump and scream at the same time. The girl takes a few steps back, also screaming.

"Ohhh gosh, I am sorry, I just, you were, I got, Hi I'm Bell." I can't breath, 

"Jeez, you gave me a scare there mate, I am Ashley, I'm guessing your my new roommate ey?" She sounds just as scared as I am, I thought it was the end!

"Yes, that would be me." I say as calm as i can.

"That's fantastic, just one question, why were you screaming at me when I came in, I don't look that terrifying do I mate?" She has an accent and says 'mate' in every sentence. 

"Gosh no, just a little nervous. So I came into the room and then left to see my mother off but when I got back the door was open and your covers were laying on the floor. And also I found this photo  in my closet," I show her the photo. She takes the photo and reads the writing on it, she seems to be memorizing the wording on the photo.

"I think it is a prank mate," she chants without emotion, 

"The lads here, they are very, child like. Don't worry about it, you are safe here, this is my second year here in this room and nothing has ever happened to me ey!" She laughs It off and I join her.

When I finish unpacking, I sit on my bed thinking about this long, yet interesting first day.

(Hope you guys enjoy x)

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