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"I missed you so much mate, why didn't you call ey, you have to tell me everything! Starting with why Jason Brookes was with you!" Ashely exclaimed when I finally sat down and calm my red face.

"I don't know, I think I just needed company?
And besides you were busy getting it on with that other guy." I try to change the subject, I know I'm gonna have to tell her about the whole 'personal' -part but it still doesn't settle the nerves.

"Oh no mate, your not gonna pin this on me, tell me what happened?" She points het finger at me, I know I'm not getting out of this so I tell het everything that happened that night, and also that I got another note just before I left.
I can't believe how long we talked about my trip and what she was doing while I was not here, becaues before i knew it it was almost 8pm and I was getting tired.

I pick up my phone and butterflies forms in my stomach, but when I read who it is they disappear and disappointment takes over my face.
It's Cole, I press answer,
"Hi Cole." I answer as nice as I can setting my disappointment aside,
"Hi Bell, I wanted to ask you something." His voice starters,
"Yes, go ahead?" I await for what he wants,
"Is it okay if we practice for our dance tomorrow after classes, I mean we could eat first but it would be like... sticktly professional and stuff. The exams are close and we need to nail this to pass, if you wanted to, you know." He's out of breath.
I mean I think it would be okay, we really do need to practice and I have nothing eks to do after classes anyway.
"Yeah, it sound good, I'll meet you at Mr. Noah's class afterwards?"
"Good, see you then tomorrow Bell, goodnight." He sounds pleased and I hang up without saying anything else, I saw a shadow at the door move as I spoke to Cole and now there nothing!

I stand up walking to the locked door before turning to Ashely,
"Did you see a shadow?" I point below the door,
"No ey, Bell what's going on?" she stands up and walks towards me.
I turn to the door and unlock it slowly, I look at Ashley and mimic a count to three,
I smash open the door, ready to smack anyone standing at the other side, but there's no one.
"Don't go outside, just close it Bell!" Ashley grabs my hand and pulls me inside but at the same time I scan the halls outside before I am pulled back I to the room with Ashley moving rapid to lock the door again.
"Are you mad mate?" She ticks at her own head with her finger.
Just as I want to speak the window shuts with a slam that causes me and Ashely to jump and run to the door, we stand there covering out faces as if that's gonna help us.
I slowly move my hands away and I'm relived to see there's no one there, I look down only to see a familiar square, my vision goes blank and I feel shocks going trough my body as I hit the floor.

"Bell wake up!" Ashely is screaming into my face, I can actually feel the panic on her breathing as she stars crying.
"What happens, what's wrong? Why am I on the floor?" I can't make out what has happend.
"You fainted mate, why though?" She helps me sit up as I run my eyes,
"I don't know I can't remember?" I look into her panicky eyes,
"What's the last thing you remember ey?" She asked me tearful,
"I ... I came back, Cole called me and ." i now remember what caused me to faint, I scan the floor at the window and there it was, another note!
Ashely looked to where I was looking,
"This is a load mate! Really this has to stop, I think we need to do something harshly done about this ey." She spat out.

I know this couldn't go on any longer and it was nice to have a break but now it's back to reality and I have to gather evidence other than the notes. I stand up, still dizzy I grab a hold of the wall next to me as I walk to retrieve the scribble on the floor. The note sais,

'You deserve someone who is utterly obsessed with you.'

I turn the note around only to find a photo of me talking on the phone, about an hour or so ago.
I was talking to Cole when I saw the shadow and that's the moment the photo was taken!
I need to rest, this weekend is all to much for me and I need to be fresh in the morning for my classes.

I cuddle my pillow and close my eyes as I drift off to sleep.

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Ily all ♡)

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