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The next morning I make sure to lock the door behind me as I walk down the hall. I hear what sounds like chairs hitting the floor and people shouting, I walk towards the noice and I see a circle of people throwing their fists in the air. When I step closer I see two students, male I may add, fighting on the floor, and of course their friends would be cheering them on.

I walk past the fight to my first class of the day, dance. I am ready for this class and have been all my life. I am not the first student here, thank god, but when I look around everyone here seems to be a little too old for this class and wearing a little to less as well.
As my thoughts drift off to what happened yesterday, I get ice cold. Although it was just a prank, it fooled me!

"Welcome class, as most of you know I am Mr.Noah, I will be helping you dance to your full potential," It's a male professor, usually it's a women giving this type of class but okay, 

"This semester were focusing on slow dancing." He says moving his hands up in the air as if waiting for an applause. Filling his ego, all of the older ladies clap their hands together while looking very pleased with themselves.

At the end of class I gather my belongings and stuff them into my bag, when I turn around some guy is looking at me trough the window, when he sees me looking he runs away and I feel my heart sinking in fear. Before I stop myself I sprint after him, but when I got out of the class he has already disappeared. What is this? Nw girl, new hype? I have got to talk to security or something, I am being followed by some sick prick. I walk down the hall into the bathroom, the ladies bathroom this time, I put my bag on the sink and wash my face with cold water. I have 10 minutes before my next class, maybe I could go and meet Ashley somewhere, I grab my phone and then realize I don't have her number.
I put my phone away and walk outside, I need to find my next class, it's says room 101 so that's gotta be on top? I search and  finally find the class, when I open the door, faces turn to the back of the class, towards me.

" Hello, umm I'm Bell, I am new and I couldn't find the class, I'm sorry " I don't know what else to say.

"Just take a seat miss Bell." The women says and I scoot in the back of the class. I caught a guy staring at me from across the class, brown hair, green-brown eyes, his hoodie sits big on his muscular body but it looks good, he lays back in his seat with his pencil between his lips. He looks like he could be the main character of 'The boy next door' just a little more... Sexy.

"Miss Bell, do you have a journal?" I hear the last part of her sentence as I am taken back to reality.

"Yes, I do." I answer as if I was listing to everything she had  said.

"That's good, see class if you do this then you could score A's this semester in no time.." she kept on talking about these journals and that you have to write about your own life in them and blah blah blah, who cares, i wonder what his name is? Did he notice me? Stop! Bell focus...

When class ended I packed and got up from my seat. As I step out of my seat the guy that has been staring at me the whole time pushes me down on to the seat again, he looks at me but doesn't apologize, he smiles and walks away. What a useless jerk. I can't deal with these people, they are all so full of themselves. Screw his dreamy eyes and fine body! 

This was my last class for today and I am super grateful to go back to my room. When I unlock the door I am again relieved to see Ashley sitting on her bed. I have to tell her about my day and the creep that was following me. Crap I hope he didn't follow me here. 

"You won't believe what a awful day I had, it was the worst and I think I'm in danger." I tell her as I fall on my bed to show how over this day I am.

"Why mate, tell me what happened to little old you." so I tell her everything that happened today from the creep to the jerk guy.

"That sounds very much like my first day, minus the creep, the people here also treated me like shit and I fell for it thinking I could fit in with them, but ay here I am, me-self." She is so easy to talk to, I thank her and we end up watching a movie together.

"Ey mate, I'm off to bed!" Her voice sleepy, I too am tired so I get changed into my sweatpants and a tight T-shirt, and climb into bed. I stare at the ceiling for a while when I spot something by the door, looks like someone passing by, but then a white square paper slides trough the tiny open space between the wooden door and the wooden floor.

(♡♡♡ily all
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