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a mix of fear, sadness, anxiety and pain takes over my now trembling body.
This can't be real, this can't be happening, not him, no.
"I'm sorry Bell."
Mr Noah steps closer and wraps his warm atms arounf my now pale, cold face.
I break.
I fall on my knees surrounded by my own waters, I don't want to believe what I just heard, but why would someone make such a fucked up joke!
No wonder the earth is so weak, it's mourning the absence of Cole, along with everyone who knew him, even me.
I sat there, Mr Noah trying his best to comfort me, but it's useless, this can't be cured!


I stand up suddenly forgetting my numbness,
"Bell, where are you going?!" His voice fades when I run out the door and the big building.
Was Jason also caught up in this?
I take out my phone and call his number, no answer.
Panick takes over my body as I feel the mix I felt coming back, I rush to my room.

When I enter I run and crash down on my bed, I scream into my pillows before I took them and threw them all over the room, breaking everything in their way!
I couldn't understand why, and that's when the feeling hit me.

My dad.

He was gone a long time ago, I felt the need to not talk, but I did, I couldn't understand why he was gone.
Now, the same feeling has returned.
I sat down, my face still being soothed by the water rolling down my cheeks.

Ashley enters the room with a few people.
I wipe my face and lay down to face the wall, I can't deal with her friends now.
"Bell,mate. I heard the news and I just, I'm so sorry."
I nodded without replying.
She got the hint that unwanted to be alone and left with her bubbling groupie.

All alone, again.

I wake up with a pounding on my head, I have one massive headache, I turn over to see the room and pillows everywhere and I now remember.
I took my phone and i have two messages.

Mr. Noah
You okayh?
What was in that note, do you need help?

The note!

I run to my bag and half ripp out the note.
I open it and it's a photo of a gun, in bloody hands.
The note reads,

You must know, it was all for you!
But sadly you next!

What! Don't tell me I am the reason Cole died? No no please god no.
What did he even do wrong? I can't believe this, why, I have done nothing wrong in my life!

Memories fall down in wet bals from my eyes, my head hurts, and I'm totally drained. It's dark outside and I'm guessing it's about seven.
I stand up, I need to find some answers!
I step out and walk downstairs to the kitchen, there are a few people sitting there.
I walk around the corner and those eyes are instantly locked on mine.
I run over to him and my eyes fill with tears again.
He greets the guy he's talking to and I run into his embrace. He hold me tightly and I cry into his shirt.
"Where were you? Why didn't you answer, what happened to Cole."
I can't help the tears, I feel numb in my legs and I fall to he ground.
Darkness takes over my vision and I'm out!

My eyes flatter open, it's dark, sort of, there is a flickering light hanging and squeaking from the ceiling.
I open my eyes fully and I'm stuck to the chair I'm in.
Where am I?
My hands are tied to the chair and my mouth is taped. I stare at the cement walls surrounding me. I want to scream but it's useless, suddenly my eyes catch a shadow by the metal door.
Therse some sort of clinging like Keyes and the lock popped open.
The door squeaked open slowly and a hooded guy just stood there and watched me as I try to wiggle loose.
I wanted to scream , what do you want from me, but the tape made it sound weird.
He slowly walked towards me and my body stiffened.
He's gonna kill me, today's the day I die!

(Thank you all for the support
I love you all,
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(Thank you all for the supportI love you all,Please vote !)

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