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He stills his body, I put my hand out demanding him to give me the paper, I have a hunch that this paper is another photo with a note, why else would he be throwing Jason with it? I take the paper and open it slowly, there's no photo only a note,

'I miss you very much, why don't you go to parties anymore?'

Jason looks into my eyes as I read, "What is that?"
He sounds angry, why would he be angry,
"Its nothing, I thought it would be a picture or something creepy,"
before I stop myself I blurt out to much, I didn't want him to know, because he was my suspect, but he was with me now, and I saw the stalker. It can't be him, maybe Tatiana was right.
"You've been getting pictures and notes a lot lately?"
He smiles, I know he's teasing me but he doesn't know that this is the truth,
"No, just kidding"
I give him a timid smile and he laughs at me.
We are interrupted by the students and Mrs. Wallbie making their way into the room, class.
"Ahh morning students,"
she is in a good spirit, I don't want to be here, I looked forward to  class today but after what just happened I can't focus on anything.
I look at the note and it doesn't seem like the same handwriting as on the other notes with the photo's.Jason seems to be distracted by this too as he is not looking at the professor or even writhing notes. He only sits with his pencil in his mouth looking out the gleaming windows at the side of the building, I wonder why he was so angry, he doesn't even know what's going on, maybe he is not my stalker but he sure is a little weird.

After class I go to the bathroom to change for dance class, as I step into the stall and the memory of the previous time creeps up in my mind as a shiver crawls down my spine.
I step out and look if anyone's in the room, I undress in the bathroom itself, keeping the door to my eyes meet. I struggle with my pants because I move as quickly as I can. When I am done I open the door and skip out of the bathroom, I walk down the hall on my way to dance class. Is the stalker someone I knew, like in high school? I'm caught up in my thoughts circling around my chaser as I bumped into Mr.Noah, Yes my professor.
"Shit, I'm sorry , I wasn't looking and I, sorry ...Mr. Noah,"
I cover my face.
"No mis Jones, it was my fault, I wasn't looking either, are you okayh tough?"
He smiles and crosses his arms,
" Yes I'm fine thank you."
I smile back and lumber into the classroom.
"So today were picking partners, for the dancing of course,"
he explains with his hands in the air,
"So if you would please partner up now."
The whole class moved across from each other, dividing into the group's, I stand still, I remember that I don't have any friends. Everybody has a partner except me and some awkward guy standing in the corner.
Well I know where this is going ,
"So miss Jones, you and Mr. Turner are the last ones left, and for that you will have to be in a group."
He smiles at Cole, the Turner guy, he looks happy, like this is the best day of his life.
He's not so bad, black hair, brown eyes, lean body shape and a mysterious look.
"Hi I'm Bell." 
I smile and put my hand out to shake his, but he grabs my hand pulling me in a hug,
"Nice to meet you, I'm Cole, this is great."
He is so happy, it's kind of adorable, I only hope he can dance!

When I exit class afterwards I decide to go to the library, it's only 5pm now and I feel the urge to study. While walking over their I see Jason taking to Cole, that's weird, Jason is like the guy everybody wants, and he's talking to the nerd of the school, usually that nerd is ugly or something but not this one, he's quite the hunk if you ask me! When I reach the library the lady tells me they close in an hour, great I have walked all the way over here for nothing, I thank her and quickly grab the books I need and head home.
As I turn into the hall I explore the pocket of my bag seeking the keys to my room, when I reach my room I put the key into the lock turning on the key, I twist the knob to open the door when a paper slides out of the open space at the door, it's a note, coming from the inside of our room! He's in there!
I turn the key the other way around and lock the door, I get my phone out and the only person I want to call is Jason, but I call Ashley instead. She doesn't answer, I pray to god that she's  not in here with this creep!
I call for campus security and they arrive in less than 3 minutes, I tell them what happened without showing them the note, they don't need to know about that yet.
They unlock the door and step inside the room,
"Miss Bell, there's no one here, the room is empty."
This can't be, I step into the cold room and the smell of smoke and old bananas fill my nostrils, he was here, the window is wide open and he must have escaped out there.

When everybody left I lock the door and take out the note that started this big scene.

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