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I slowly stand up putting all 3 photos on my bed, the door knob twists and turns but it doesn't open, of course not, I locked it. I hear the knock again. As I approach the door, I put my hand out in front of me to unlock it.

"Hello, who is it?" I ask with my head leaning against the door. A familiar voice answers me and I feel a comforting stress fill my whole body. I open the door and those brown-green eyes are staring back into mine,

"Oh it's you, you live here?" He sounds flawless, his eyes in contrast with the words he is saying.

"Yes, I do, why are you here?" I ask impatiently, he seems to be amused by my reaction,

" I'm sorry," he smiles

"just some guy was standing here for five minutes straight and I found that a little, how you say it, creepy? But when I got close he ran away, I just..i am, are you okay?" He sounds caring,  

"Umm yes I am, thank you for checking on me ... I'm sorry I don't know your name?" it sounded better in my head but now actually hearing me say it I sound like a desperate flirt. He smiles at me and I admire the way his lips part when he starts speaking again,

 "Jason, and I'm not checking on you, I didn't know you lived here!" He snaps at me while walking away.  Well screw you to then! How could he be so nice and caring and then turn on me in a matter of seconds, well he actually never talked to me, also not caring about me, I don't know this man and he could potentially be my stalker! I climb in bed ready to drift off to sleep when Ashley stumbles trough the door, 

"Ohh shit," she looks up at me,

"ohh thank god your not sleeping mate, ey sorry i'm so late, I had something to do ey." She is holding a scrapbook with lots of notes sticking out of the book,

 "That's fine, just lock the door please." I am too tired to ask what she was doing so I just turn to the wall and close my eyes.

"Daddy no, mommy do something, daddy wake up, daddy, daddy please..."

I am awakened by Ashley shaking my body back and forth, I am wet, soaked in sweat and my cheeks are burning in red. 

"Mate, are you okay, you were screaming and.." I cut her off,

"Yes I'm fine. Just a nightmare." I am out of breath and my mouth is dry, I need water.
I get out of bed and unlock the room to go to the kitchen, when I take a bottle of water from the fridge, I am haunted by the thought of someone, my stalker, following me. I run back to my room and lock the door after shutting it, Ashley is sleeping so I won't have to answer any questions about my nightmare. Why would this start now, it's been gone for years and I almost forgot I had them, now they're back? I grab my phone and the notification shows I have received a text about an hour ago, I open it and it's Tatiana,

' I'll be there tomorrow, at about 6pm, stay strong boo, ily♡'

Great, now I can talk to someone I know can help me, it seems like forever and we have lots to talk about.

The next morning...

Today is a new day, I only have one class today and Tatiana is coming. We could go eat something and maybe go watch a movie. Before I can continue planning my day Ashley wakes up, I don't want to answer her about last night, so I grab my stuff and skip out of the door.
I exit the building and I walk all the way to the library where the old lady said the campus security offices are, I knock on the door and a deep voice welcomes me into the room.

"Come in dear, Mrs. Angela told me you were coming today," it just be the old ladies name,

"so tell me, why are you here, is there any trouble?" He asks me as if he knows the answer, 

"Yes, in fact I have a stalker. He has taken photos of me, not just once and they have notes on them and he follows me!" I think I shouted a little but I don't care, this is a big problem for me and someone, me, could get hurt.

"I see, tell when did this happen, do you have any enemies?" I don't think he believes me, 

"I don't have any enemies, and this started the moment I got here, on my first day, which was Monday!" His face goes pale when I pull out the three fotos the stalker took of me, he thought I was lying, to get attention maybe.

"I will definitely look into this and there will be security put in every house!" He sounds grave.
I thank him and take the photos, as I walk out I hear him talking to the security team and he sounds angry, serves them right to take safety lightly!

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