Prom Night

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Part of being superhero was giving up simple things others took for granted. Those things consisted of sleep, parties, a somewhat normal social life, and talking a stroll down the street. One of the things Artemis and Dick missed was prom. Like any normal Gotham night, the Injustice League attacked the central subway station around the city. The team was called before Artemis and Dick could even start getting ready. Like the first time they had ever fought the Joker and his clan, it took all night. Members had broken bones afterwards and intense feeling of dread.

And when Dick agreed to be a chaperone for Tim's junior prom, there was no other person he wanted to go with than Artemis. She was doing much better after Wally's death and it was about time she left the house. He also wanted to see her in a dress, but that was besides the point. They had missed out on the greatest night of their lives. They both loved the trill of combat, but fighting a clown, an ape, an angry vegan, a Zeus wannabe, and a evil sorcerer was boring. Been there and done that. Of course she was going to be that stubborn archer he knew and loved, so he came with a full argument prepared . . . Or a prom-proposal if you will.

When Dick Grayson showed up on your front porch, you knew something was wrong. He always came in with a grin and a loud knock. He also came at the crack of dawn and that just so happened to be Artemis' coffee time. She was never fully able to do anything without a gallon of caffeine, so Roy was the one to open the door.

"God, you again," Roy sighed when he opened up the door to Dick, "What are you even wearing?" The redhead pinched the bridge of his nose and walked into the house. Dick followed him in. Artemis raised an eyebrow at the acrobat who had just entered into her home.

"Is he wearing a suit?" Artemis turned towards her former brother-in-law and asked.

"Yes. I just wanted an easy day with Lian but no, this freak had to show up! I'm going back to bed with Brucely. Don't talk to me," The clone left the room, which left Artemis and Dick alone. The blonde just stared at her former schoolmate blankly.

"Please don't send me back on another mission," The archer begged.

Dick chuckled at her, "If you consider going to prom a mission."

"First of all, it was. Second of all, what the hell are you talking about? I graduated high school three years ago and I know I passed all my classes," She sipped her coffee and flopped her head on the table when she figured out his plan. "No."



"The trunk of my car is full of chocolate, flowers, a new bow, and chocolate-chip mint ice cream . . . With dry ice."


They wore blue to his brother's prom. Since Tim and Cassie were wearing red, that color was already chosen. Red was Dick's favorite color and he thought it looked best on Artemis. Getting Artemis to wear anything other than sweatpants proven to be a battle. She didn't want to take away from the high schoolers' moment. Dick wanted to do the opposite. They never had a prom and they were finally getting a chance. He ended up in a simple tux with a dark blue button down and she wore a long dark blue dress with long sleeves. She didn't wear makeup, but it didn't matter. She looked her best without it.

"You look nice," Dick said.

"I hope cause you picked it out," She remarked, "And I doubt standing in a corner is supervising." Dick scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"There's enough fifty year old ladies to make sure the kids are in order. Plus, if I was the only one in charge this place would be going wild."

"I guess, but I'm not having any fun. We could have just went bowling," Artemis shrugged as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. It was a bit shorter than when she was fifteen. When she went undercover she couldn't cut it and she must have forgotten to after Wally passed. He couldn't blame her. No one could function without the speedster. He was annoying but made the world go round.

"'Then let's dance," Dick grinned at her as he pulled her onto the dance floor. Artemis raised her brow at him. She never liked dancing. She thought her feet were awkward when they were just fine, which made her stumble more. It was too intimate for her, also. Even with Wally she hated it. Her parents never danced together for fun and she never danced with her sister as a joke. Plus, she knew Dick was going to be better than her. He knew exactly where to put his feet, his hands, and how to sway. She would look like a duck.

"That's a horrible idea, Grayson. I kinda don't want to look like a fish."

"Oh come on! You'll be fine as long as you follow my lead. It's just like a mission," He placed his hands on her hips and she placed hers on his shoulders.

"I would be happy if the Joker rushed in and killed me. Honestly, I would," Artemis sighed. Dick huffed at her.

"Loosen up, Mai. If you don't wanna be here within a hour we can go to the park and hangout there," Dick tucked his chin on the top of her head and they swayed back and forth. Dancing with him actually felt natural for her. Being with her always felt natural for him.

Got some inspo cause it's prom season. Anyway, I got a lot new readers so I decided to continue these one-shots. All new one-shots will be uploaded on my tumblr incase you prefer that app more. You can find the link to my page in my bio. Feel free to leave comments and vote. :) And I think I might venture into Episode within this year, of course if my health gets better. I got a few more tests to go through so hopefully I'll get an answer.

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