Gender Swap

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Dick grumbled go himself as he walked around the watchtower for the fifth time. He was beyond tired. After a long day, constant calls from friends, and hunger pains, he wanted to just go home. He should've been home. Bruce had asked him to fill in on watchtower duty, having to do with some meeting in London. Dick had the night planned, but he caved. He was going to stay in with his wife, order some Chinese food, and enjoy the last few moments of her pregnancy. Dick just really hoped Artemis didn't go into labor.

The raven stopped walking when he found a chair he had walked past before. When he sat down, he pulled out his phone. One text was from Bruce saying thank you. Another one was from Will. He insisted from on being the godfather for the a hundredth time. Two were from Artemis. He clicked on those.

Artemis (Wife)
Hope you're not too bored

Artemis (Wife)
Cause we're doing fantastic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The next message was a video of Artemis using her baby bump as table, a box of leftovers on top of it, and her playing Mortal Kombat. Dick could see when her stomach moved due to the kicking of the baby.

Stop using my baby as table.


Dick slid out of the messages he shared with his wife and checked the forty texts his brother, Tim, had sent. All them were asking, "Is Aaliyah here?" Or, "Is Artemis in labor?" He appreciated how excited his younger brother was, but it was getting annoying. He would tell him when it happened.

The expecting father was about to tell his brother to knock it off when an alarma started blaring. All of his exhaustion jumped out of him as he sprung out of the chair. Almost immediately he went into hero mode. He started running to the center of the Watchtower, hearing the zeta tube scream, "Unrecognized, unrecognized," Over an over again.

When he got to the briefing center, he skidded to a haunt. He instantly pulled out his escrima sticks and faced who seemed to be the intruders. Dick almost dropped his sticks when he saw who they were. There was a blond man, a pregnant, raven haired woman, and a little boy standing next to her.The blonde man was tall, had a small ponytail, and wore a brown leather jacket. The pregnant woman had bright blue eyes and was pale like Dick. She wore a large Batman shirt to cover her stomach. The little boy looked exactly like the woman. He wore a flash shirt and held her hand.

"Who the hell are you?" The blond man asked in a gruff, raspy tone. The more Dick looked at him, the more he noticed hints of Asian features.

"I'm Nightwing and you're trespassing," The acrobat eyed the family. His eyes fell on the woman when she snorted at him.

"You're Nightwing? Geez, this must be one of Willow's pranks. You can cut the act. She won't pay you," The mother chuckled, "Your props are good though."

Dick scoffed, "Props? You really want to test that theory?"

"I'm game if you are."

"Di, you're four months pregnant. There's no way in hell your fighting some guy. Plus, this doesn't look like our watchtower," The man said to his wife.

"What do you mean?" The woman turned towards him.

"Cause the earth is blue," The little boy piped up, pointing at the window with his little finger. Dick furrowed his brows.

"So you two are Apollo Crock and Richelle Crock?" Dick asked the spouses who sat on the couch across from them. Artemis, who was sitting on the far end of the room, shook her head in disbelief.

"There's no way in hell," She murmured to herself. Apollo scoffed in response.

"Agreed. Seeing myself as a pregnant woman is just creepy," Apollo added, "Like how did that happen? Bet it was a good one nig-

-No," Dick shut that down. His voice was harsh as he said, "Our daughter was planned."

Richelle, or Di, elbowed her husband before saying, "Aden wasn't. Our next boy wasn't either, but we love them both the same. Talking about Aden, where is he?"

"He's in the baby's room. We put a bed in there for rough nights," The goddess answered. Dick watched her hand move up and down her bump, most likely timing a contraction. Di noticed it too, giving the other pregnant woman a look that said, "Follow me," Apollo didn't even question it as the two expecting mothers stood up and wondered down the hallway.

"So, who's your Batwoman?" Apollo asked Dick. He nearly laughed at the expression. It was so hard to imagine Bruce as a woman.

"Well, our Batwoman is a man named Bruce Wayne. What about yours?"

"Her name is Kate Kane. Really tough chick. She likes to get on everyone's ass," Apollo chuckled, "Bruce Wayne? Really?"

Dick rolled his blue eyes, "What about your Green Arrow? Over here he's called Oliver Queen."

"Oliva King. What about Wonder Man? He's name is Daniel Pierce."

"Dianna Prince. Flash?"

"Barta Atwood. Yours?"

"Barry Allen," The two men talked about the name changes and their worlds until Di came back out from the hallway. Dick looked at his alternate twin, expecting some bad news. She gave him a thumbs up and he felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"So where do you two plan on staying for the night?" Dick asked the outworlders. Apollo looked at his wife and she shrugged.

"No clue," The blond said, "We don't even have an idea on how we got here."

"You wouldn't mind if we stayed here for tonight? Artemis said she didn't," Di asked the brunet. Dick shrugged as he stood up from his chair.

"If she says it's okay, I think it's great," He covered his mouth as he yawned, "We have a spare room next to the nursery. The closet's filled with toys, but that's about it."

"Thank you," The two said, taking a yawn of their own.

Dick placed his arm around Artemis' side and spread his fingers across her bump. She wasn't quite asleep, but close. Most of these days she was asleep for only a couple of minutes. Their daughter was always kicking or she was having a contraction. Other times, Artemis was starving or thirsty.

"Di said Aaliyah's coming quick," The blonde muttered into her pillow, "So much for enjoying these last few moments of pregnancy, huh?"

"We can still enjoy them with a few extra house guests," Dick chucked as he kissed the back of her neck.

" I guess, but I really wanted this to be the two of us."

"Well, we can always do this again," He was already half asleep. The today's exhaustion and his wife's tiredness was rubbing off on him. Even Aaliyah seemed to be slowing down for a nap.

"Maybe," Artemis yawned as she closed her eyes. Just when Dick was positive she was in dreamworld, he heard her say, "You're hotter as a girl."

Dick flicked her arm, "You're lucky my daughter's in your uterus cause all hell would've broken loose."

Artemis chuckled, "Goodnight, Dick."

A/N: Thanks for almost eighty votes. Cool stuff :)

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