Eye of the Tiger

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Gotham was no longer his territory anymore, but he still kept it on lookout. That's how he noticed her. Her burnt orange and black striped uniform caught his eye. From what he could tell, she wasn't another Gotham serial killer. This new feline-like woman was a thief. She wasn't violent, except when someone stopped her from her jewels. Her patterns were rather obvious. She would hit up Gotham's finest jewelry stores, the most expensive museums, and then pawn shops. She was almost a copy of Catwoman. A feline burglar? It certainly wasn't original. But one thing that confused him was that she would always bring the gems back. That was one thing Selina Kyle didn't do. She liked to bathe in her stolen goods.

Tonight Nightwing had caught the woman sneaking back into one of Gotham's most popular museums. She had robbed it a couple of days ago. The security team hadn't noticed, probably because she had replaced it with a pretty accurate fake. If Nightwing was naive, he would've been fooled too. But tonight her little game would be put to an end. Dick didn't need a Catwoman of his own.(Sorry, Bruce.)

He used his grappling hook to swing to the opened window the burglar had enter through. After a few seconds of an effortless climb, Dick slid into the room. His eyes immediately laid on the cat themed robber.

Her back was to him, but she immediately spun on her heels. The blonde woman had a smirk on her face that could make even the Cheshire Cat impressed. Nightwing didn't feel threatened by it. He felt a bit of interest.

"Finally here to arrest me?" She waved her hands in a jazz like way, her grin growing.

"Nah, I'll let Batman do it. Trying to get his attention, Cat Lady?" Nightwing teased her. He took one step closer and then another.

She rolled her visible, grey eyes at him and started to approach him too. When they were face to face, she responded to his question, "Batman isn't my type, Bat Boy. He's too old for me."

"Don't hear that very often, especially from Catwoman clones," His eyes followed her body as she walked around him. She wasn't totally bad looking. In fact, she was gorgeous. The blonde had athletic curves and nice muscles. Her hair was long and swayed with her hips. Even though her job was stealing, she moved with danger.

"She steals and I collect pay checks. There's a difference, Bat Boy. Plus, I come from a long line of cat-themed criminals. If anything she's the clone. And my eyes are up here," Nightwing scoffed. He was checking her out but was he going to admit it? Absolutely not.

"I have a name, you know?" He defended his title.

She shrugged, "And so do I. But did you bother learning that? Nope," She popped the P, "Now, if you aren't going to arrest me, I have other things to do?"

She went to leave but he grabbed her forearm. She grinned at that but Dick chose to ignore it, "You said you don't steal and only collect pay checks. What does that means?"

"I help commit insurance fraud," The blonde said it like it was nothing, "Businesses pay me to fake steal the diamonds and place a substitute. They get the money and cut me another deal. Then I bring it back. See? Not that bad."

Dick resisted the urge to laugh, "Really? Then why do you have a katana on your hip?"

"You want me to use it?" He could tell that she was raising an eyebrow under her tiger mask. The raven shook his head.

"No thank you," He dropped her arm, "But don't think you're getting away with this. Fraud is still a criminal offense and can get you jail time."

She scoffed, "Please. I'm a tigress. No one will ever catch up with me," The blonde started to back up to the opened window, "But it was nice to chat, Bat Boy. Maybe we can talk later ... and engage in other things," Her eyes scanned his body, clearly making it known that she was into him.

The feline thief waved a quick goodbye before flipping out to window. He ran to it, trying to follow her, but she was already gone. It was as if she had disappeared into Gotham's night sky.

Nightwing backed away from the window pane and sighed. Not only had she gotten away, she flirted with him. The world didn't need another Catwoman and it certainly didn't need another Batman.

"Tigress, what am I gonna do with you?" He facepalmed. Dick could already see her grin.

A/N: If you didn't catch the reference of the title name, you're awful. (Jk I love all of you guys.) Thank you so much for 3k reads. I'm not entirely back, but I'll get there. Thank you for letting me take this break. <3

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