Donut Justice

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"How are you a donut company that doesn't have any donuts? You know what? I'm taking you to court. This is fraud at the highest degree! And my girlfriend's learning to be a lawyer. When she's done with school, we'll win that damn case!"

"I'm so sorry, Officer," The employee stuttered, "I just started working here yesterday. I don't even know how to work a cash register."

"I'm a detective! I want to talk to your manager!" Dick cried. The teenage girl nodded before she ran off to get her manager. The raven smirked to himself as he waited for the worker to come back out.

"Hello, sir. How can we help you this morning?" The manager yawned as she came out. She looked up from her feet and quickly frowned when she saw Dick's face, "Of course it's you."

"Do you know this man, Miss. Crock?" The employee asked Artemis. She was hiding behind her. Dick was in full uniform so it was safe to say he was intimidating. Artemis was also giving him the glare of death.

The archer nodded very slowly, "He's my boyfriend."

"I'm going to hang out in the back," The girl ran away as fast as she went to fetch Artemis. The moment she was gone, Dick erupted out in laughter. If it was even humanly possible, the blonde narrowed her eyes even farther. Dick pulled this stunt monthly. Artemis had worked in the same donut shop ever since college. She took the early shift so she could have classes later in the day. It allowed her to train with the team. Dick had an early shift, too. He always stopped by at four in the morning. That was when they started making the donuts.

"You are the most annoying being in this universe. Sometimes I just want to dump you," She said flatly, "Now please leave."

Dick fake gasped as if this was the first time they had this conversation, "You wound me, babe."

"You're hindering our business and scaring my employees. That's definitely something worth suing about. Unlike how you want to sue us for not having donuts at four in the goddamn morning."

"Police officers love donuts and police officers start early. You should be more considerate. I bet Dunkin' Donuts is open," His smirk never left his face and her glare never left her eyes. Her fists were balled up tight. She thought Dick popping by was funny the first time. He was a troll an Artemis liked that in him. But after the seventh time, it got annoying as all holy hell.

"Then go to Dunkin' Donuts. You can't buy something here, anyways. We don't have donuts."

The acrobat sighed as he dropped his sinister grin , "Fine. I just wanted to see you.

"YOU SAW ME LITERALLY TWENTY MINUTES AGO! YOU WERE THE ONE THAT DROPPED ME OFF, YOU IDIOT!" Artemis yelled at him. Dick wheezed out more laughter in response. The archer debated on hitting him with her fists or grabbing the gun he held on him and pistol whipping him. Maybe she would turn him into a pin cushion later.

"I'll go, Mai," He said through his fit of giggles, "See ya!"

She was so going to get him back somehow.

A week later

"Hey, babe!" Dick froze when he heard the too perky voice of his girlfriend, "I brought you donuts!"

"Hey, Mai," He threw on a fake smile as he looked up at the blonde. Even the annoying large grin on her face pissed him off. She seemed to know this and grinned even bigger. It reminded him of the Joker.

Artemis placed the paper bag on top of the files Dick had been staring at. She nudged for him to open it. For the past six days she had shown up with a bag of donuts. It would have been sweet if she didn't purposely buy his least favorite flavors. And it was very hard for him to hate donuts.

"Listen, Artemis, I'm not going to eat your donuts," Dick handed her the bag and motioned towards the files, "I working a case right now." 

"I hope so. That means your doing your job. You deserve a snack," Artemis handed him the bag back. The raven glared at her and pushed the paper thing away. It was as they were playing hot potato with it.

"I know what you're doing."

The goddess batted her eyelashes innocently, "I just want to give my loving boyfriend his favorite treat."

"I hate blueberry, coffee donuts with that stupid icing on it. I know it's in there because I can smell the coffee."

"Jokes on you. It's a swirl, glazed donut with raspberry icing. It even has Boston cream in it and it was dipped in chocolate milk. Do you know how hard it was to make this thing? And goddam, is it nasty," Artemis looked at the bag in disgust. Dick bit back the urge to gag.

"That's just sick!"

"That's the point," She responded plainly, "It's a gift from all of my employees that you pissed off. So either you eat it or I text your stepmom that you got me pregnant."

Dick didn't know if he wanted to strangle her or arrest her for harassment, "Do that and I won't sleep with you for a whole month."

"Sex is pleasurable, yes, but justice is more so."

"I won't marry you."

"I'll marry Zatanna."

"I'll get a vasectomy."


"Just give me the damn donut. I don't want to deal with Selina pestering me ... more," Dick caved. Artemis' eyes let up at her victory.

"Hey, revenge is best served with donuts!"

A/N: I was going to post the first chapter of my original story on the 1st but now I'm insecure about it. 🙃 Isn't that great. But hey, Young Justice comes out in America soon! 🥳

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