You'll Be Okay

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A/N: Mentions of self harm and an eating disorder. DO NOT READ IF THIS WILL UPSET YOU. Your health is more important than anything!

His phone blared loudly, immediately waking him up. He had always been a light sleeper, so he rolled onto his back and threw a lazy arm onto his nightstand. He had no idea what time it was, but it was early. The sun wasn't even up.

He slid his thumb over the answer button and mindlessly put it on speaker. The sound of Will's panicked voice quickly filled the silent bedroom, "I need help!"

Dick sat up and rubbed his tired eyes, "What?" The raven asked. He was so exhausted that words threw him for a loop.

"Artemis, I found her in the bathroom. She was hurting herself. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to keep Lian out and- Dick, I need your help. Now."

"I'll be right there," Dick swallowed hard. It felt like a weight had settled in his gut. But still, he stood up quickly and struggled to find where he had put his jeans.

He had arrived at their house twenty minutes later. The door was already open and he could hear Lian crying. When he walked in, Lian was the first person to greet him. The three year old hugged his leg and buried her head into his knee. Will was there a few seconds afterwards. He looked down at his daughter then back at Dick. He was as white as a ghost.

"What do you need me to do?" Dick asked as he picked Lian up from the ground. He smoothed down her hair in effort to calm the toddler down. 

"Artemis keeps pushing me away. I need you to clean her. I'm going to get the car ready. I'm bringing her to the hospital," The redhead sighed, "I can't think."

The raven nodded in understanding. He gave Lian to Will and started to make his way to the bathroom. There he found Artemis sitting on the lid of the toilet. He had seen her much bloodier, but it didn't stop the turning feeling in his stomach. She wasn't crying, but staring blankly at the wall. It was like she wasn't even there.

Dick didn't say anything as he sat down on floor. Artemis didn't either. He grabbed her arms. There were no cuts on them, probably because she knew that would be the first place someone would look. He looked down her legs, instead. She was wearing spandex shorts, so he could see all of the scars and cuts.

There were fresh cuts, scabbed ones, deep ones, new scars and old scars. The ones at the bottom of her legs were old or healing on their own. Dozen of new cuts littered her thighs, on the other hand.  They went in all different directions. One was barely even started. That was when Will caught her. Dick was beyond grateful that he had.

Dick grabbed the disinfectant that was already on the floor and moved to clean her up. Artemis' hand immediately grabbed his wrist, as if it was an instinct, "Stop."

"It's either I clean them or I call M'gann to figure out what's wrong with you," He pulled his wrist away and moved down to a lower spot. She didn't protest this time. And she didn't until he was finished.

Dick sighed as he put all the necessary stuff back in the first aid kit. He had to stitch most of the cuts. She went in deep that night, and even then it felt like she couldn't feel it. It felt like she couldn't feel anything at all.

"Mai, I- Never mind. I have to get you to the car," He sighed again as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Car? Where am I going?" Artemis asked him, grabbing his wrist again. This time it hurt.

"To get help," He hissed as she squeezed harder.

The blonde vigorously shook her head, "I'm not going to any where. I'm fine. Nothing's wrong. I'm fine."

He glared at her, "Don't lie to yourself. You need help and you know it. You're sick, Artemis," That made her loosen her grip, so he pulled his wrist away. While she was still distracted, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Knowing her, she would've ran away.

"Put me down!" She yelled at him, "Or so help I will-

-Stop resisting or I will knock you out," He snapped at her. She shook her head against his shoulder and let him carry her. She couldn't do anything now.

"I brought food," Dick said as he walked into her room. They were waiting for her to be transported, so it was nothing but time.

"Okay," Artemis muttered. She was playing with her fingers. Dick could only wonder what she was thinking about. Did she want to hurt herself in that moment? Was she mad at him? At Will?

Dick sat down in the chair next to her and placed her food on her lap. She didn't touch it, "Artemis-

-Two years," She interrupted him, "I've been hurting myself for two years. And it feels good," She paused to swallow the guilt that was building up, "And I've been throwing up. My mom noticed but I told her it was because I was working more on the team. For some reason I thought I could get away with it."

Dick nodded as he processed what she said. Two years ago Wally had died and so did part of her. She did seem to get better, and now he knew why. She cut to feel good. That would carry her throughout the days until she needed to do it again, and again, and again.

Of course part of him felt some what responsible. If he had stayed with her, he would've noticed. He was the son of the greatest detective. He would've notice. Dick had to. But now all he could do was be there for her. He wasn't going to leave her side now or ever.

"I throw up before I go home. I don't Will or Lian to hear me. And I don't want him to help me either, cause I like it," Artemis still twisted her fingers together, "And I don't want to do that to him. He works too hard and I shouldn't be another problem."

"Artemis, he's there to help you. Just like how you're there to help him. And we're all here for you. You could've gone to M'gann, Dinah, an even Helga. And you could've gone to me," Dick rested a hand on her shoulder, "You've been through so much, Artemis. You've seen so much. It's okay to hurt, but it's not okay to hurt yourself. That's why the doctors are going to help. Dinah's going to be involved so we know you're okay. You will be okay."

Artemis knew that all her problems wouldn't be solved right away. She also knew that what she was doing was wrong and that she needed to stop. At least this was a step closer to help. And this was help she hadn't had two years ago.

"I'm going to watch you eat," Dick order, "And you're going to eat the whole thing. Otherwise I'm calling Alfred and ordering him to cook a whole ass buffet."

That was the first time she had truly laughed in months.

A/N: Wrote this to help how I'm feeling. I thought it would help someone else. Plus, I really want Young Justice to talk about mental health. I think Artemis would be the best candidate for that.

If you are ever in need to talk to someone, I believe my messages are open and comments are always open. If you are in desperate need, there are always hotlines. Your life matters. I know someone out there needs to hear that.

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