I Worry

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He sighed as she ran a hand through his black locks. He wasn't necessarily tired but sore from the day's work. The days seemed to grow more challenging. Solving cases, hero work, and trying to live life was a weight on his shoulders. It put a toll on his body. It put a toll on everything.

He lifted his head up and frowned when he noticed the bed in front of him was empty. Usually it was half full, holding a sleeping blonde. The lamp on the nightstand was on. It illuminated parts of the large room with an eerie orange glow.

"Artemis?" The vigilante called out to his girlfriend. He took a gentle step forward. He quickly exited the empty bedroom, fearing the worst. Perhaps her father had shown up again? He was due for a visit. Lawerence always showed up.

He opened the door without making any squeaks, but jumped back when he noticed a green crossbow pointed at his nose. He looked at the tip of it then at the owner of the weapon, "Artemis."

The blonde sighed as she lowered the crossbow. Her arms shook as she did so. That in itself was unusual, "I thought you were someone else," She said. Artemis walked into their bedroom and placed the thing on a small table next to their door. Dick raised a suspicious brow at his girlfriend.

"Who else would I be?" The acrobat asked. Artemis shrugged before she sat on their tan colored comforter. She held her long, bare legs to her chest and took in another shakily breath. Artemis always stole his clothes, but tonight she was wearing his favorite shirt. For some reason she never wore it.

Dick moved to sit down across from her. He put a gloved hand on her knee and squeezed. Artemis looked at his hand as she exhaled. He looked at her face and tried to read her. Her brows were furrowed and her shoulders were hunched. It looked like she was trying to swallow herself whole. In her stormy, grey eyes was conflict. And he had known her long enough to know she was afraid.

Dick asked, "Did he come today?"


"Did someone hurt you?"


"Then what happened?" He squeezed her leg again. More conflict gathered in her eyes.

"I thought I lost you," She said barely above a whisper. There was no point in hiding it from him. They had been together for two years and friends for seven before that. Dick knew her in and out.

The brunet let go of her and leaned back on his hands. He raised a brow again, "What do you mean?"

"I thought you had gotten hurt or killed. You weren't answering your communicator or your phone. I even called Bruce and he couldn't find you. I turned on the news, the police radio, everything. There was nothing. I got scared. I got so scared, Dick," She held her legs closer to her body and shook her head against her knees. Dick sighed and moved to the left of her. He placed a hand in her hair and rubbed the back of her head.

"I'm right here, babe. I promised that I w-

-Wally promised he would never leave me and look what happened! God, you just don't know. I worry about everything. I worry about the criminals, the cops, and the cars. I worry about the guns. I worry about what would happen if you fall. What if the Joker gets you? What about Bane? I even worry if it's too cold outside. And sometimes I worry so much that I have a panic attack or I have to drink to just calm down," Artemis confessed, "Cause lord knows I can't live anymore if I lose you too."

"My parents were murdered in front of my eyes, Artemis. My brother was beaten to death," Dick took in a deep breath, "I've seen death. But I know how to avoid it. I know when there's a gun, a loose screw in someone's head, and a car speeding down the street. If I didn't know these things, I would stop. I hate seeing you worried an upset. It breaks me," Dick lifted up her face and held it in between his hands. His thumbs swiped the tears that feel down her rosey cheeks.

Artemis breathed in an out, "I know."

"Plus, I would never leave you. I've loved you for so long," Dick flashed the goddess a small smile, "You're everything I've ever wanted," Artemis gave him a matching smile as she wrapped one hand around his forearm and leaned into his palm.

"I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

A/N: I know I said I was taking a break but I already wrote this. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Anyways, I had an excellent birthday and celebrated with my family.

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